Tuesday, March 2, 2021

The Female Employee, the Male Employee, and the New Mayor


In the mythical state of Alabahama lies the county of Praiserdale. The county seat of Roma had always suffered from an ebb and flow of competent leadership, but recently its governance had fallen into a dark abyss.

There was a new mayor figurehead in town, and eggshells carpeted city hall. Early in the administration of Mayor Bigdaddy B, attention was focused on a female employee. If local legend is correct, this employee had been with the city over a decade and had a good record. Then this unlucky employee violated city policy by extending the deadline for an employment application. Bigdaddy proclaimed "Off with her head!" and she was banished to a vast ever-growing wasteland of disgruntled Roma citizens.

At the same time, an insolent male employee came to the forefront of the news by violating several city policies. His supporters told the public that he was merely confused and had made mistakes in his attempts to live up to the real men he worked with. He kept his job, and his wife let him return to their bedroom as long as he promised to sleep on the floor.

While most would have rejoiced and promised to behave, it wasn't that way with "Bob." Whether it was the atheist in him (or perhaps he was actually deranged enough to believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster) or the fact that he had the mental maturity of a 15 year-old, Bob just kept on taunting his superiors. Alas, Bigdaddy was clueless as to how to handle the situation and decided the best course of action was to take his afternoon nap. 

The moral: If you just have to misbehave, at least be sure you know where the bodies are buried.

"Bob's" Comment Today on the Traditional Council Prayer


  1. I agree: 'Bob' is privy to something 'Big Daddy'doesn't want made public.

    1. Or a council member, since Bob works for Libby Jordan.
