Thursday, March 4, 2021

They're Building WHAT in Florence?


Neighbors want to know what's being built at the old Sweetwater Mill site, but so far no one at Florence City Hall will tell them. Doesn't Bill Griffin know?

Residents of West College Street want to know what rumors are true and what are just speculation? We doubt that more than a handful of individuals can tell you that. We will say, be prepared to fight any eminent domain appraisals. It's your property; you deserve to be paid a fair market price and not what some shyster UNA attorney offers you.

Remember, if the university considered stealing the city schools' football stadium and attached prime real estate, it won't think twice about stealing your small parcel of land "for the public good."

Now one of the proposed new owners of the old ECM property (with a small amount of College Street fronting) has been placed on the UNA Board of Trustees. Do we have incredible coincidences in this town or what?

1 comment:

  1. With all of the ethical concerns associated with UNA, perhaps someone should petition the state to revoke their charter.
