Sunday, March 28, 2021

"Canceling" ALFA - Part II


The state of Alabama has always been behind the rest of the country; in many ways, much of its economy is still based on farming. The Alabama Farmers Federation carries a big stick and preaches that animals are for utilitarian purposes only. A dog is to guard the home or round up livestock; a cat is to rid the premises of vermin. Nothing more. ALFA puts its money behind these soulless rationales. After all, if you have to give a dog a warm house for winter, you just might be made to furnish your cows stereo headphones - that's what ALFA preaches.

ALFA gives big money to politicians who follow its orders, and that's a great many in this state. Of all the pols to toe the ALFA line, Danny Crawford of Athens is at the top of the list.

Now Crawford's been caught saying that ALFA virtually rules the legislature when it comes to animal welfare. How do you like that, those of you who love and care for the lesser ones among us? If ALFA rules one Alabama domain, it would follow that other interests in the state are run by similar unscrupulous companies. Is this what we want for Alabama?

The only way to win with ALFA is to hit the company's bottom line. Drop your ALFA insurance now. We'll be happy to publicize any other insurance companies that contact us. If you're a local insurance agent, we'll be here to help you get your message out there. 

The move to cancel ALFA began two years ago. It's still gaining momentum. Just watch, Montgomery...

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