Wednesday, March 3, 2021

About Gina Clark's "Heart Problem"


Muscle Shoals Strategic Plan: 
Step 1. Come to Muscle Shoals
Step 2. Give us your Money
Step 3. Don't Speak
Step 4. Leave

Now, we all know since the Daily Disappointment doesn't have blazing headlines on what is normally done in the backroom at Muscle Shoals City hall, then our people are as pure as the driven snow.

However, good investigations require an astute student schooled in seeing, listening, questioning, and having an independent assessment of a situation. While that is not common, or welcome by some in the fish bowl called Muscle Shoals, the world outside our borders needs to know, bad behavior stinks as bad as the fish in our bowl, and we are going to expose anyone that sheds a bad light on the decent people in our little town.

During the past 2 council meetings, there have been harassing attacks targeting a private citizen that dared to attend a meeting. I'm going to be rather generous with my assessment of the facts since it involves several legal, yet decency and socially acceptable norms.

February meeting's star accomplishment for Mr. Willis Thompson was his reprimand and command to a retiree that she must wear a mask. This little lady, responded to him that her doctor orders prohibited her from wearing a mask for many reasons - something like she couldn't breath. COPD will do that to a person from what I understand.

The first meeting in March (yes, this week) The same lady returned to the council meeting with her husband, excited about the large donation (tens of thousands of dollars) they had made to the Fire Department for critical training equipment the city just didn't have the money to provide. 
What is amazing to those of us who watch how elected officials act in these situations, but NO ONE on the City Council, Mayor or City Clerk made the public aware that a private citizen made the donation of close to $60,000.00 and preferred to remain anonymous, but sure was quick to make a public display over the purchase!! SO FOLKS - Muscle Shoals mayor may want to take credit for this training equipment, but you now know the truth!

As usual, the 2 of them sat away from the crowd at the "safe 6 ft distance where your germs stop". Soon after they were seated, Council president Ken Sockwell approached and asked her to wear a facemask. Once again, she declined and shared her medical history. She went on to explain how she suffers from an oxygen level deprivation wearing a mask causing her brain cells to drop to a death stage thus resulting in her doctor's order not to wear a mask. Mr. Sockwell seem to understand and was happy with her explanation as he walked off.

After her harsh reprimand from Mr. Willis Thompson at the previous meeting, and then Ken Sockwell she decided to have the same conversation with the City Clerk, Ricky Williams hoping to stop people from coming up to her about not having a mask on her face. Mr. Williams seemed fine with her health restrictions and explanation.

The meeting was late starting because Regina aka Gina Clark arrived late as usual, but they sat in their corner waiting to see the Fire Chief get his new equipment approved by the Council they had "anonymously" paid for.

After approving the purchase of the equipment the couple had paid tens of thousands of dollars for without expecting public accolades, Ms. Regina Gina Clark made a 5 minute long speech. She began with thanking those in the audience who were wearing masks. She emphasized and commended those who were  "Protecting people from the virus by wearing masks correctly". She proceeded to express her vast knowledge of the medical profession by educating the audience of the benefits of masks.

Ms. Regina Gina Clark's 5 minute comments were aimed at the lady that she obviously has some dislike of, and it was quite obvious the lady was visibly upset and embarrassed as she was stared down and made a spectacle of.

What is interesting is that the lady that had just been singled out because she had a "disability" still graciously took the time to speak to Ms. Regina Gina Clark about her personal medical restrictions after such unprofessional and rude behavior from a city councilwoman and the 2 city councilmen. The conversation was overheard to include the lady explaining why she was the only one in the room without a mask. She told Ms. Regina Gina Clark that she had COPD, a severe breathing problem that causes great damage to the brain when deprived of oxygen, even though she did try to put the mask on several times during the meeting, but had to remove it when she starting feeling faint and having trouble breathing.

What happened next floored those of us who believe tolerance is a character trait of an individual and expect everyone to know there is a thing called the "ADA - American Disability Act" that even someone like Ms. Regina Gina Clark, Willis Thompson, Ken Sockwell and the City of Muscle Shoals have to follow,

Ms. Regina Gina Clark responded to this lady, not with sympathy that she could not breath, but that SHE, Ms. Regina Gina Clark, as a heart patient, was put at a risk because that lady did not have a mask on sitting some 40 feet away from her, then ranted about how the lady was breaking "the rules".  One has to wonder if this is how she operates and treats people in her "Regina Clark Realtor, LLC" company or if this side of her only comes out AFTER she gets your money.

Seems the couple then leaves after the heated exchange with Ms. Regina Gina Clark, but then runs into Ms. Regina Gina Clark and the fire chief that just received a very expensive piece of training equipment from this couple as the 2 of them walked briskly down the hall and disappear from view. 

After more investigation, we learn  Ms. Regina Gina Clark had the paramedics come to City Hall to check her blood pressure. But, upon further investigation, we also learned the lady with COPD who tried to wear a mask off and on during the meeting had to go to the hospital ER for lack of oxygen and blood pressure problems after the encounters with our city councilmen.

Needless to say, I bet that will be their LAST donation to ANY City or Department in Muscle Shoals. I'm pretty sure if they had known how some people in Muscle Shoals will do anything to keep the status quo and cover up the dirty deals going on, they would not have moved here, or certainly not given a single penny, much less tens of thousands of dollars, for the betterment of this city. 

"The selfish "Powers-that-be" don't want improvement, or advancement - they want PAYMENT;

Oh folks, there is so much more to tell. FACTS that are covered up by those powers to be. It's like anything else. OPM - Learn from Other Peoples' Mistakes or become a victim. Your ignorance allows you not to even know when you are being victimized.

Whoever said "Ignorance is a blessing"? has never met some of us. Our blessings include health, happiness and appreciation of good people like this couple that unselfishly donated their hard earned money to help others. 

People like Clark, Thompson, and Sockwell - all they want is your MONEY. 

We are not ignorant. The expose' is just beginning.

An Observer


  1. Note to self: My wife and I will be listing properties in The Shoals, currently appraised in excess of $2 million, in the next 3-5 years. We now know which realtor NOT to use.

  2. I am just a guy, know little about real estate stuff, but would you want your house listed by Gina Clark? Here is a 2 day old listing of hers, note the grammar and spelling errors still there:

    $489,9004 bd 5ba 6,300 sqft
    118 Hickory Dr, Muscle Shoals, AL 35661

    "This executive type estate is centrally located in the heart of Muscle Shoals. You'll be amazed by the space-Main level features Master Suite, study, living/formal dining & den-large eat in kitchen. upstairs 3 bedrooms,3 baths plus bonus area. Full sixed basement is wide open & finished to use as recreation or add extra bedrooms or theatre room. Home aslo has large sunroom -2 car attached and 2 car detached shop"
