Friday, March 12, 2021

When You're not "ELITE" Enough for Andy Betterton


Warning: This column contains strong opinions and personal bias based on experiences with our current mayor. If this offends you, don't read farther.

Have you read the latest TimesDaily article on Andy Betterton? It seems the mayor decided to favor a certain group of tourists because they are "elite." In fact, the word "elite" was used at least four times in the relatively short article. The tourists/regulars who weren't elite were kicked to the curb. Apparently Handy Dandy Andy saw nothing wrong with doing this and then bragging about it.

So, are we at Shoalanda elite? We doubt it. How about any of you reading out there? Not sure if you're among Florence's elite or not? Does that make us the Florence equivalent of Deplorable in card-carrying Democrat Andy's book? 

Think this is something new with Bigdaddy B? Think again. Let's return to the mid-nineties when Andy was a totally private person. Here's an interesting tale you might enjoy...

A UNA grad moved back to the Shoals after 20 years. He was more educated than Andy, smarter than Andy, and probably had more money than Andy. Alas, he certainly was not more dapper than bow-tied Andy. In other words, you wouldn't have mistaken this professional man for a GQ model.

Having been asked to attend a business reception, the newly returned gentleman saw this as a good way to make contacts. He was taken around and introduced to several in attendance. He later related that it was a pleasurable event until presented to Andy. As this man extended his hand, Andy walked off without a word. Why? Our only conclusion is that our friend was not dressed in an ELITE manner.

That was Andy Betterton 25 years ago. Has he changed that much over the decades...or is he still a sorry sack of snobbish excrement?



  1. Like I keep asking: WHERE'S THE RECALL PETITION???

  2. Same thing goes for Muscle Shoals - Where are the Recall Petitions? City Hall has Council members hassling elderly residents while they have no clue about State Mandated Mask & Social Distance requirements. Willis Thompson, Gina Clark and Ken Sockwell apparently have never even read the Mandate particulars, or they wouldn't have been upsetting frail little old ladies. Willis Thompson, in particular, seems determined to show the abundance of what he does NOT know and he puts that ignorance out there on a regular basis for all to see, as well as, encouraging Sockwell and Clark into exposing their ignorance right along with him. I'm pretty sure that ignorance extends far beyond the issue of Masks and into important City business affecting residents. (Oh, goody) Muscle Shoals desperately needs to clean up it's act, recall some of it's comedian actors on the Council and start behaving like they actually KNOW what they're doing. Someone also needs to give each one of them a copy of "Robert's Rules of Order". I've seen better, more professional meetings conducted in 5th grade classes. Muscle Shoals, get rid of the worst of the City Council Clowns ! Soon!

  3. Have you seen the remark by a terminated city employee threatening to tell Andy's "secret"? Which one? His hobbies or how he lost his music minister gig?
