Friday, March 5, 2021

Presenting Gina Clark in "Real Cougars of Muscle Shoals"


Sometimes elected officials make such huge horse's patoots of themselves that they deserve all the bad publicity they rake in. Such is the case of Gina Clark. Our readers, both in and out of Muscle Shoals, have had a great deal to say about Ms. Clark's recent performance at a Muscle Shoals city council meeting. 

Here's some of the most interesting:

1. Several months ago a bunch of Democrats treated an audience member who wanted to use children for a food source better than Gina Clark treated a woman who had just given the city 47 thou.

2. Tip for Gina Clark: Having severe chest pain? Call 911. Need your blood pressure checked? Don't call the local fireman/paramedic unless your want to look like a silly entitled woman with no functioning gray cells - or worse.

3. Well, well, well. Gina Clark calls the fire chief "Honey?" She calls a fireman to take her BP when she's a mite upset? This woman needs a husband.

4. Someone tell Ms. Clark that an elected official shouldn't talk to ANY constituent the way she talked to the the lady with COPD.

5. Remember how Gina Clark got on the city council? Chad Holden wanted her there because she would be easy to manipulate. Looks like she'd vote for a Communist overthrow if you tossed her a fireman.

Part Two coming soon...


  1. Gina Clark makes Dick Jordan look good. Almost.How many of us get to call a paramedic every time we lose our temper?

  2. How can ANYone ever trust ANYthing Gina Clark EVER says again ? She needs to resign from the City Council. Her true character has been exposed for everyone to see.
