Saturday, March 27, 2021

"Canceling" ALFA - Part I


What would you say to someone who stated: Jane Medico is a wonderful woman, a homeroom mom, a Girl Scout leader, and a master gardener. She just happens to work the intake desk at a clinic that aborts fetuses? Most in this state at least would think Jane needs a new line of work.

How about this one: John Agent is a wonderful man, a Sunday school teacher, and the proud dad to five puppers. He just happens to work for ALFA, a company that fights any lifesaving measures for companion animals? (We actually heard that one last week.)

So it's wrong to work for the big bucks at an abortion clinic, but okay to work for the big bucks as an ALFA agent? We're sure some will say yes since they regularly support suspect religious organizations that occasionally do a good work.

For those of you who don't want to support an organization that consistently fights against animal welfare, isn't it time to find a new insurance company? 

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