Monday, March 29, 2021

Lauderdale Schools Virtual Thru May 2022/Consolidation?


Many are asking about the status of Lauderdale County Schools for the next year. Will they be virtual, or partially virtual?

As we understand it, there's a good possibility this is the case. There is a parent survey floating around that must be returned by April 1st. How much actual input parents will have is anyone's guess.

By now, you either believe in the reality of COVID-19 or you don't. Alabama is lagging drastically behind most states in vaccinations; what that means for local herd immunity is also anyone's guess. How safe local schools will be by late August of this year is merely speculation. Will parents see the need for as much virtual as possible or simply not care at this point?

While we support virtual schools, there is one caveat: In-home schooling brings the system just that much closer to consolidation. After all, isn't is easier to shutter a school that hasn't seen an actual student in two years than one that is currently teeming with the little future rocket scientists?

1 comment:

  1. 'Virtual learning' isn't. Sure; for students that have parents that actually appreciate an education, it works. Sort of. But for the rest of the students that don't have such parents, it's a fast track to failure. This Spring's ACT results will prove that.
