Sunday, August 25, 2019

Lauderdale: To Vote Yes or to Vote No?

Tuesday is election day in Lauderale County. If you're saying "huh?," you're not the only one. It's not been highly publicized. This is what the "Vote No" side has published:

ATTENTION FLORENCE CITY OFFICIALS: Remember when you raised sales taxes by $10 million dollars per year a few months ago? Remember how you did it with absolutely ZERO warning to the public? Remember how you were completely unconcerned with the opinion of the citizens who begged you to reconsider because higher sales taxes would hurt the working poor and seniors on fixed incomes?

Well, we certainly remember. We also remember how you dishonestly presented the tax increase as a way to pay our first responders more. In reality, what happened was you only spent 17% of the money on first responders and kept the other 83% for your pet projects.

This is entirely unacceptable, and on Tuesday, August 27th we (the citizens) are going to remind you that you’re still accountable to the voters. We are voting NO on the proposed tax on the ballot that will generate several million dollars per year for the schools because you still have $8.3 million dollars per year EXTRA in your budget after raising our sales taxes.

The truth is, you ALREADY have millions more than you need to fund the school system. For you to say otherwise is entirely misleading. Don’t come crying to the public when this tax proposal on the ballot fails, because we’ve caught onto the game you’re playing and we’re not as stupid as you think we are!


Do we see some very faulty logic there?

1. This has nothing to do with the City of Florence. Money in the city's treasury has nothing to do with funds in the school's coffers.

2. This is not a new tax, but a continuance of one begun in 1954 (even before Shoalanda was born).

So vote "YES" next Tuesday. Aren't people around here already uneducated enough?

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