Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Unfair Eviction in Tuscumbia?

From the UNA police to renters' rights, here's another letter from a reader. We're not legal experts on this type of "eviction," so comments welcome as always:

XXX apartments are owned by XXX; he decided he wasn't going to honor a lease his property manager did and had the tenants’ power turned off and told the power company not to turn it back on. He has told the party to move but hung nothing on a door or gone through the court system to make them vacate.

There are 4 small dogs, a baby, and man with heart problems who needs oxygen to breathe at night in the dwelling. When confronted about it, he said he had been doing this 25 years and had never used the court system to get a tenant out and wasn't starting now. This is clearly a self help eviction procedure and basically a lock out made to where they couldn't stay. They were there 2 weeks when the power was shut off and he refused to give them their deposit back.

Now Tuscumbia Utilities refuses to turn  on the power saying the lease isn't current; it was signed June 6th and good for a year. The manager and woman named Brittney were very rude.

So how about it, readers? Any ideas on how this family can recoup its lost money?

Perhaps All Three?


  1. I know this guy well. He has been evicted from 3 other places this year. He is a heroin addict and HIV positive and leaves his needles on playgrounds. The kids pick them up and throw them away. Good job Tuscumbia Utilities and whoever this Brittney girl is. Proud of you.
