Monday, August 12, 2019

About Those Sunshine Pet Food Donations...

There appear to be very few things in life about which no one is willing to start a rumor. It's been well publicized that the Sunshine Mills company in Red Bay had for some time very generously donated food to the Colbert County Animal Shelter, but recently stopped. Why?

A rumor seems to have popped up that the food was not making it back to the shelter. It was either being sold or going home with employees or both. Is any of this true?

In one word: No! A source at Sunshine Mills has stated the company discontinued the donations due to the shelter not being a 501c3 charity. Any donations to a non-charity are not tax deductible and therefore impact the company's profits greatly. 

We're not sure if the shelter would even qualify for such a status. We're guessing that it wouldn't since the shelter is part of the county government. Let's just be appreciative that the shelter received these donations for such a long period of time.

And the rumors? Was one county commissioner responsible for most of them? If so, Prince will be happy to put him on the agenda.

My Incisors Stand Ever At The Ready!

And going out for Charles Hovater:

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