Tuesday, August 27, 2019

We Continue to Support Billy Underwood

Every political writer has critics, and those who write for this blog are no exception. One of our staunchest critics recently asked how we could support Billy Underwood while criticizing a man who likes to cheat hardworking county employees and lie to the citizens he serves and another who likes to kill sitting duck aging animals and threaten innocent citizens of another race? 

If any are not familiar with Mr. William Underwood's plea, he pleaded to a misdemeanor. He did this since a large chunk of exculpatory evidence was disallowed, making a jury trial a very risky business for a man with a young daughter and other family with whom he wanted to remain.

It would be better to ask why someone with Steve Marshall's record went after Mr. Underwood? Many would consider this a badge of honor in itself.

To Billy we say, hang in there. Four months will pass and you will soon be home with friends and family and a new career in whatever kind of counseling/advising you wish to do...assuming you wish to work with the fickle public. If you wish to write your memoirs, we'll be here to help with editing.

Love to Billy and his entire family!

Let's All Remember Not To Tick Off Steve Marshall!


  1. It is no coincidence in my opinion that Steve Marshall went after Billy Underwood prior to the last election......sort of like he is Mike Blakely over in Athens NOW, if you can't get elected democrats out at the ballot box, they will use a courtroom.....Alabama republicans will make sure they are in office one way or the other....be it cheat, steal or lie....And preach on morality issues to the ignorant masses voting in Alabama.....all while raising taxes on the poor who are voting for them....The lemming republican voters in Alabama could be sympathetic figures if they weren't so damn hypocritical and proud of their ignorance....From the ballot box to the courtrooms, elected Alabama republicans are attacking democracy.

    1. Well said. For 90% of them, it's all about the money.

  2. I would love to see Mr. Underwood run for some sort of political office. He still can considering it was just a misdemeanor. Good luck to you Billy. You always shot me straight.

    1. He certainly can. If he runs for a regional office, I will vote for him. If he runs for a Colbert office, I will help him campaign.

    2. I wish he would too! So I could have the extreme pleasure of voting for his opponent.
