Saturday, August 10, 2019

What the Lauderdale Deputy Saw

"I certainly enjoyed hearing you sing last night!"

When the owner of the small shop made this remark to us, we began to look for the men in white coats carrying nets. Let's just say singing is not one of the talents God gave us.

Yes, years ago we had a double that was in fact a great entertainer and one who even drove a car identical to ours. We've often wondered just what each of us may have been blamed for that the other did.

That brings us to a recent Lauderdale County investigation. We have no idea if a certain person rumored to be heavily involved in a death investigation was ever at the scene. What we can say is that several have told us a certain Lauderale County deputy has placed him there and told just a few people about it.

We have the greatest respect for Sheriff Rick Singleton, but his deputy has committed a tremendous faux pas. Perhaps the deputy told only two or three what he either saw or thinks he saw. How many did he think those two or three would tell?

From a deputy who doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut to a deputy who doesn't know not to enter private property and pick up evidence without a warrant...what do these law enforcement jewels say about our county?

Local skeptics talk about our district attorney throwing cases. We have to ask how that office wins any cases with investigators like this working for the sheriff's department?

Meanwhile On The Savannah Highway...

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