Friday, December 31, 2021

Resolve to Be More Politically Active


After every election, we hear someone say they wish that they had voted. This was particularly true in the last Florence mayoral election when Andy Betterton won by a hand full of votes.

While we need to do better at the local level, the State of Alabama also needs more informed and involved citizens. Look at our legislature and the office of Attorney General. 

We know several who have reported various problems to Steve Marshall only to receive a canned reply that their complaint had been received. Some responses indicate a lack of time available to look into complaints. Yet Steve Marshall seems to have plenty of time to add his written opinion in problems involving other states. 

Then we have an even worse legislature that not only fails to solve legitimate problems, it passes unconstitutional laws which have to be defended with taxpayer dollars. While many of these laws concern induced abortion or illegal aliens, gun control seems to be still another hobby horse.

For several years, Sen. Gerald Allen has introduced a bill to make state law superior to Federal law on certain guns and their regulation, but has never been able to see these passed.  His 2022 S82 bill is already pre-filed and ready for the January 11th opening of our next legislative session. The problem? It can't stand up in federal court, and we taxpayers will be footing the bill to defend something that has no chance of becoming permanent law.

Yet the people of this state continue to elect the Steve Marshalls and Gerald Allens of Alabama. Isn't it time to vote more wisely? Who knows, the money saved could possibly replace sales tax on groceries. At least we can hope...


  1. You can be a dim wit, half wit, half moron, complete moron, bat s*it crazy or just crazy as a loon in Alabama and get elected IF you have ONE qualification...the (R) by your name.....Montgomery is full of them and the chairs from Alabama in Washington soon will be too!

    1. It was in the mid 80's. I had just moved from B'ham. I went to vote in the primary, the place was crowded and people were talking. A man came up to me and said "do you need some help?" I said "yes, I can't find a Republican ballot". The place went deathly quite. He said "I'm sure we have one here somewhere".
      I'm sure you remember when every politician who seriously wanted to get elected had a D by his name. We were a one party (D) state, ever since the War Of Northern Aggression, and I was glad when we finally started to elect some Republicans. We very shortly became a state of Republicans everyone then switched, now it hard to find a Democrat. This proves we are a state of followers, we have no leaders. But we have a few die hard Liberals (like you) as we also had some die hard Conservatives, (like me).

  2. One more thing...the fluke that was Andy Betterton who has ran in the past as a democrat will not happen repulsivecans made sure of that when you redistricted downtown Florence into schmithereens to make sure you lump every backwoods teabagger and reTrumplican voter in the county in the 1st district with downtown voters who tend to be more educated, informed and CI
    VILIZED and vote for a democrat every now and then....BUT, NO MORE.......the republican way, if you can't win fair and square...CHEAT! (And see ya in church this Sunday)

  3. Redistricting is not the same as gerrymandering. It is required by law to have some semblance of equal representation by race. Gerrymandering is redrawing lines to gain a political advantage.

  4. 'theavenger' is typical of today's 'tolerant Left'; full of 'vim, vigor', and absolute hatred and intolerance of anyone that doesn't believe as they do. There IS NO 'middle ground', negotiating, or reconciliation with them. They are the exact reasons the 1st and 2nd Amendments to the Constitution exist.

  5. I am not saying that I agree or disagree with most of the avengers posts. I am simply pointing out a factual difference between redistricting (required by law) and gerrymandering (a political move to gain an advantage).

  6. I wasn't responding to your comment. My apologies for any confusion.
