Sunday, December 19, 2021

A Reader's Brilliant Idea to Banish the Salvation Army


A reader recently asked why so many support the Salvation Army. Our main theory is that little is known about it, it's been around since before our grandparents were born, and it has its own press team working daily to maintain its image.

Quick: What are the Order of the Oddfellows? Probably most will have heard of this Masonic like fraternal order and its good deeds, but can't tell you anything more specific. It's just something that's been around "furevah," so it must be all right.  That's just simply not true in all cases.

Sorry, it's long past time to look at the Salvationists, and the church's current demands to apologize for being "white racists" is giving many that opportunity. One of our regular readers has just the thing to combat this organization:

Print up some Flyers and drop one in every SA Red Kettle you see......

“Redeemable for ONE WHITE APOLOGY in Lieu of Cash Donation”

“You go Woke, you WILL go Broke”

There ARE consequences for Stupidity.

We love the idea and say go for it!

Another reader has an interesting idea on combating pagan worship services on city property. If these rituals continue on Indian Mound, he intends to bring together a group of Baptists to hold an Easter sunrise service at the ancient burial ground. 

If those in charge of the mound choose to discriminate, the possibilities of lawsuits are numerous. It's time to hold our city governments accountable.


  1. "Sunday, December 19, 2021
    A Reader's Brilliant Idea to Banish the Salvation Army"
    It is clear from your headline that you want to get rid of the Salvation Army, an organization that does a tremendous amount of good. I have always thought that what a person does is worth a lot more than what they say. I have seen Shoalanda say a lot, most of which it is impossible to know what she is talking about.
    Then there is the Salvation Army, which I have seen in action as well as friends and relatives that have. There was a tornado in south Birmingham in the late 60's, within min. after there was the Salvation Army handing out free blankets and sodas. An hour or so later the Red Cross showed up with blankets for $3.00 and sodas for 50 cents. The Red Cross got the Police to make the Salvation Army leave. I was standing next to the Salvation Army when they were told to leave. When asked why, the cop said "I don't know I just do what I am told."
    I have heard many stories about good things the Salvation Army has done. Tell me what Shoalanda has done to help.

    1. The same could be said for the Florida Satanic Temple's campaign "Socks for Satan." Performing a good act does not make one good in itself.
