Sunday, December 26, 2021

New Colbert Sex Offender Law?


The Alabama Legislature will meet again in January, and there may be some interesting changes in Colbert County. The county is proposing a ban on more than one registered sex offender per address unless in a residential facility with licensed oversight. 

This law would make the Four-Way facility on Highway 43 illegal as well as some private homes that often house two or three offenders. The last time a bill like this was before the legislature, it failed to go the distance.

This time, we're hoping there's enough support that it will be passed. A great many sex offenders never realize what they've done wrong. When paired with similar offenders, the effect is synergistic and the proverbial "ticking time bomb."

When the bill number is announced, we'll publish it here so that the citizens of Colbert County can contact their representatives to urge its passing.

1 comment:

  1. A special internment camp for sex offenders is needed. Let them be penned in together so they abuse each other instead of innocent children.
