Monday, March 2, 2020

Bad Boy Black Bungles Badly

David Black's Now Infamous Mailer

From a Concerned Colbert County Citizen:

David Black has sent mailers to certain voters in Muscle Shoals on Saturday, February 29th - see attached.

When an ethics complaint is filed, it is completely anonymous. The only ones that know about it are the ethics commission and the person filing the complaint. Anyone can file a complaint for anything - even a barking dog. It is against the law for the ethics commission to tell or admit a complaint is filed to anyone other than the target of the complaint, or they will lose their jobs. This means one of two things - The mailer Mr. Black sent out is either a blatant lie - or - Mr. Black has admitted he filed a complaint against his opponent, which his opponent states that he has never had a complaint filed against him (or have been notified by the ethics commission if Mr. Black did so).

The issue on attendance. According to Mr. Mansell and fellow Utilities Board Members, Mr. Mansell has attended 95% of the meetings for the past 11 years. His few absences were attributed to a near death experience and surgery. Did Mr. Black, or his campaign manager, Nathanial White go to the Utilities Department and review the past 11 years of minutes or is that also a blatant lie?

Mr. Black has sunk to the lowest of low with lying in his sleazy political smear campaign.

In the past we've pointed out three falsehoods in David Black's claims:

1. He's not a professor at UNA.
2. He didn't organize the Shoals Republican Club.
3. He doesn't have a record of missing only two commission meetings during his last four years in office.

The hugely troubling thing to us now is that he's throwing some very dirty and very stinky mud at his opponent...and it's all baseless. Do you want to keep such a man as your commissioner, Colbert County?

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