Tuesday, March 17, 2020

New Lauderdale County Tech School

A missive from Zar:

I am so glad that the new season of Project Ag Center is finally back online. I know a lot of people originally complained about the casting, but you were right! They really are starting to grow on me.

I am also looking forward to the new upcoming spin-off show - L.C. Tech - A dramatic comedy based on the new technical school on the campus of the Ag Center.

Question: who will play the main role of Lauderdale County B.O.E. Superintendent?

One would think that the job of superintendent will include, but not be limited to, overseeing the planning and construction of the new school in the best interest of students, teachers, and community.

Is it also safe to assume that if the BOE was okay with spending almost $2 million on a field house (how they received the money is beside the point) that a new state-of-the-art tech facility will probably cost about as much as the Ag Center?

Ag board members have dangled this new tech school idea over our heads for far too long. They even took money away from our schools via TVA funding. Now it is time to elect a superintendent who will grab the ring and run.

Who will it be? Hill or Williams? I really do not know, nor do I understand why either candidate has yet to address this issue.

Until next time. Take care.

Your good bud, 


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