Friday, March 6, 2020

Rogersville Has Plausible Deniability?

There have always been 'drug problems' in schools and small towns, and there always will be due to one simple factor: money.

School systems and small towns tend to turn a 'blind eye' to the issue so they can claim 'plausible deniability' when courting new businesses and industry. If there are no official records of any problem(s), then there must not be any problems.

No business in its right mind wants to bring its employees into a town/school system with 'drug/crime' problems. It's that simple. I know; I've been both a teacher and an LEO in a small town.

I was a principal and teacher for 28 years. My dad and granddad were principals. I've both given and received my share of paddlings. For some students, it works. For others, it's problematic. Here is what I've learned: When parents don't discipline their children at home, and then send them to school, expecting the teachers to literally raise them, said parents have, in my personal opinion, forfeited their right to complain about school disciplinary measures. 

1 comment:

  1. It is about money, but I don’t thinks it’s about plausible deniability. It’s about the amount of money the city makes prosecuting them into a plea bargain.
