Monday, March 9, 2020

Rob Carnegie Throws Tina Kitchens to the Wolves

We may be out of the loop on this, but we've always thought that taxpayer dollars are to be used for the citizens of the community producing the funds, not to pad the pockets of hoteliers, restaurants, and ultimately the city itself. In other words, public facilities are for the citizens to use and have access to. That includes pools (lidos), tennis courts, parks, and ball fields. If they are in place to make money for private firms and cities, why the #&^* are taxpayers funding these resources?

In case you missed it, the Florence tourism president and CEO (let's not fail to get in both titles) Rob Carnegie is a mite upset that parks and recreation superintendent Tina Kitchens wouldn't give the shaft to local ball teams, many of them composed of kids, and take away their playing time to accommodate a tournament. According to Robbie Baby, the City of Florence has now really irritated the tournament's organizer Kevin Darby, causing him to refrain from booking both a spring and autumn gathering of possible coronavirus ridden tourists. 

We're sure of two things: 1. Kevin Darby, whatever or whoever he may be, will find another location for his tournaments; 2. Rob Carnegie owes Tina Kitchens an apology for spouting off about her decision to the tourism board.  We'll even throw in a bonus: 3. Robbie needs to learn the difference between a facilitator and an agitator. 

Cousin Rob Did What?!!!


  1. Your website is the most cowardly act of journalism ever. Put a name and face with the articles you write or shut up. You have no idea what you are talking about or do you even care. You are the Jerry Springer of North Alabama, nothing more. Quit slandering good people.

    1. You must not be a regular reader. No one here claims to be a journalist. While we appreciate your comments, the First Amendment does come into play with our content; some of us didn't sleep through government class. Slander? You might want to look that word up also. If you perchance meant libel, the information presented must be false to qualify for libel. If you think something we presented here was in error, let us know the specifics. Thanks for reading!
