Thursday, March 12, 2020

Doesn't Killen Have a Police Force?

There was a great deal of controversy yesterday over four Florence police officers speaking at an out of town school. In the interest of absolute transparency, we believe one of the officers only woofed. Still, he as well as the other three are employees of the FPD, not Killen.

What would have happened in Florence if a sudden influx of loiterers had arrived? Who would have protected the citizens then? 

We're glad that the four officers showed the Killen children a good time. We're just not glad that they did it while citizens of Florence were paying their salaries. Lest any think boundaries don't matter, remember it wasn't that long ago that Colbert County showed everyone just how those boundaries work. 

Speaking of Brooks school, a long time reader has informed us that it's the policy at Brooks for the band to use the physical education weight room located in the new field house. To each his own. When we were in school a few millennia ago, one of the drawing points of the band was that members didn't have to associate with the jocks in P.E.

The part that we find interesting is that other groups are not allowed similar time. If these groups don't object, fine. If they do object, then some changes need to be made by the new superintendent whoever he may be. 

1 comment:

  1. While I agree with your statement about wanting the KPD to speak at Brooks, I don’t think threats do very much in this instance. I’m sure the city of Florence (in Colbert Co) has enough revenue to pay their abundant police force. However, I find it short sighted to purposely antagonize a LARGE Number of contributors to Your city/ county funds. Perhaps one of the officers has a child, niece or nephew or 3rd cousin twice removed attends Brooks and wanted his relative there. OR perhaps, a larger police force was trying to help out a smaller lesser numbered PD. Or perhaps these officers were volunteering and not letting the criminals steal the Colbert County Crown Jewels while they acted like role models we know they can be.
