Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Next Big Lauderdale County Schools Brouhaha: Athletic Director

A few weeks ago, we published a blog concerning Lexington School principal Todd Davis. At that time, we learned he was also the athletic director for the school. Not long after, someone who regularly contributes information to our site informed us that each principal in the Lauderdale County system was also that school's athletic director. We haven't seen a job description for the title, nor do we know how much extra financial incentive is involved; however, we have been curious.

Now, in the throes of a runoff for county superintendent, there are rumors of plans to establish a county wide athletic director and do away with that facet of the principals' job. Is this a good idea?

We would like comments from the public, but it certainly seems like a much more practical approach to that aspect of school sports. How do the principals feel about this? We assume they would lose part of their income, but they would also lose a great deal of added stress.

Why is this an important issue now? Has a candidate (or both candidates) promised this job to a certain person in return for his support and endorsement? 

While it's possible, we're not sure if this is true of either Hill or Williams. After all, the position doesn't now exist and may never exist. To us it seems like another red herring to obfuscate the real issues. 

Again, comments welcome!

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