Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Drug Dealing in Rogersville?

Below is a guest editorial sent to us from a Rogersville resident. The blog reflects the opinions of the resident We happily post rebuttals:

Rogersville has a massive drug problem and nothing gets done about it. Drugs are dealt in Rogersville Church of Christ parking lot and the school parking lot. The major drug traffic is at the apartments which the police know about and on County Road 608 still nothing is done about it. Not only does the town have a massive drug problem the school does as well and there’s a blind eye turned to drug dealing. No drug dogs or student searches no nothing. Students have been caught selling drugs to students. 

(The new police chief is) more worried about writing speeding tickets instead of getting drugs off the streets. The thing is they know where the drugs are being dealt and who is doing it and nothing gets done. I think when the old chief was there they let the crime and drug problem get worse. He was more worried about being all involved in the girls basketball program and being a school board member instead of enforcing the law.

Today we had a complaint concerning a blog that was eight years old last November. It concerned a man who had attacked both a girlfriend and police. For some reason, the poor misunderstood individual was arrested. Over the years, we've gotten complaints from family members over blogs which mention arrests, but this one wins the award for the most overdue entry. We hope the sender isn't holding her breath for us to remove it.

To refresh anyone's memory, a public person is one who's in the legal system, an elected/appointed official, standing for office, or who has called a news conference to insert themselves into the public eye. Almost anyone else is a private individual, and we discourage such names in public comments.

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