Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Re-Mapping of Florence Districts NACOLG Style


It's time for new district maps in Florence. The basic idea is to create six districts with an "equal" number of citizens. We realize it's not as easy as it sounds and that no new maps will be without controversy.

Where will the new maps originate? The City has presented to the public the work of NACOLG. The North Alabama Council of Local Governments is a voluntary Association of 37 governmental units in the five-county region of Colbert, Franklin, Lauderdale, Marion, and Winston Counties along with the municipalities therein.

Does everyone agree with the new maps/districts? It seems not. If adopted, there will no longer be a district with a majority of citizens of color. Could the Florence City Council then find itself without a black representative? It's certainly possible. 

Here's a Cliff Notes version of what NACOLG proposes:

District 1 would gain the area between Norwood Boulevard and Old Cloverdale Road that is currently in District 5.
District 1 would also gain the area between North Pine Street to the south, Ridge Avenue to the west, Seymore Avenue to the north, and North Wood Avenue to the east that is currently in District 2.
District 3 would gain the Indian Springs subdivision that is currently a part of District 6.
District 5 would gain the Maple Ridge subdivision that is currently a part of District 6.

Tomorrow: A Better Version?

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