Monday, January 13, 2025

Are the Zurinsky Florence Districts Better?


River Zurinsky is a one-time candidate for the Florence City Council, as well as a current member of the Beautification Board. Mr. Zurinsky has created a version of the six Florence districts that many feel are a superior answer to this decennial problem. He has presented his vision for redistricting to the council, but will they actually consider his well thought-out plan? We should find out at the January 21st session.

The basics:


  1. River Zurinsky designed this map FOR FREE! Not one penny of "funding" from Florence taxpayers as NACOLG receives and not a dime in salary from the city of Florence. River is an example of a TRUE public servant.

    1. Indeed, he did. We're happy to count River among our friends!

  2. has there been a final decision ?
