Saturday, September 24, 2022

Lauderdale Admin Says "Shoot the Dog?"


If you live in Lauderdale county and have ever cared about a dog, a cat or horse in need of help, now is the time I need your help!!! Our county commission is about to make its 3rd attempt at running an animal control department. Every time they have tried so many problems have occurred and the program has failed. Countless animals have suffered due to this. They have posted a job for an animal control officer with no department, no director, no trucks or equipment, no policy and procedures. The worst part is no requirements for the job besides a high school diploma. 

We have to have a system in place or these animal control officers will not know what laws to enforce, how to catch animals or how to keep shelter numbers low. One thing that most departments are doing around the country is shelter diversion. Shelter diversion is where the officers work with the community to help place the dogs back with owners ,or provide what’s needed for owners to keep the dog, horse etc instead of crowding the shelter. If the shelter becomes full animals they will have to be euthanized to decrease the numbers . We are trying to work in current times while the commission’s administrator is telling citizens that she will have a deputy sent out to shoot a non-aggressive dog

Is this what our county needs? NO! We need a better system and the county commission needs to be held responsible and change made. We don’t need to be like Franklin county, but we are headed there! You are tax payers and deserve appropriate services. Please join us Monday night 5 pm Lauderdale County courthouse 3rd floor. Please come show your support for change.

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