Sunday, September 4, 2022

Impersonating the District Attorney?


From an August 9, 2021, news article:

On August 5th, Brady Irons was ordered back to jail in Lauderdale County. She is currently being held in the Detention Center without bond.

On June 30, Brady Ann Irons was arrested in Florence on a bench warrant from Florence Municipal Court. She was also charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of dangerous drugs, and trespassing. Irons posted bond and was released.

From May: Brady Ann Irons who was once part of what law enforcement dubbed the "Heroin 22," has been arrested in Florence on two charges of Failure to Appear. Irons is currently awaiting trial on several theft charges in Franklin, Cullman, and Autauga Counties relating to shoplifting and gift card scams.

Now over one year later, this letter dated 8/23/22 from "Chris Conley" is making the rounds:

These are not true facts, I'm the district attorney of Lauderdale county and if you want to try to down someone y'all might want to look in the mirror we are not perfect, and we have no clue what really happened or didn't, correct? So let's grow up and try to be positive and encourage or fellow brothers and sister... Are y'all not tired of the gossip and negative stuff.? I know for fact that these are all false be honest Mrs. irons is in a 1/???? way house doing very well, so lets grow up please

Interestingly, the e-mail address where this originated is If any are not aware, Ted Wright is Irons' partner in several scams involving Walmart and other retail establishments. 

We're not sure which crimes Wright thinks Irons is innocent of, but we are sure Mr. Chris Connolly would not appreciate anyone using his name in this manner - not to mention misspelling it.  Poor Ted and Brady...always the victims.

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