Saturday, September 10, 2022

Calling Colbert County EMA...


Our J. Redmon has a question for Michael David Smith of the Colbert County EMA:

On 09/09/2022 @ approximately 1625HRS, Colbert County's EMA white Tahoe left the Colbert County Road Department, entered the westbound lane of ALT72W, and immediately accelerated to approximately 70mph (55 mph zone). This was coupled with numerous improper lane changes (no signals given). This rate of speed was maintained to the railroad overpass (55 mph zone) where traffic congestion forced a slower speed. Where was the 'emergency' that dictated such erratic and improper driving by a public official? At least one Colbert County taxpayer would like to know.

1 comment:

  1. Some public officials wrongly believe that they are 'above scrutiny '.
