Saturday, April 3, 2021

Who's Afraid of Yoga in Alabama Schools? Danny Crawford for One!


Have you heard that ice hockey is now banned in Alabama schools? Someone is afraid the students might start saying "eh."

Okay, that was a joke. What isn't a joke is the 28 year old ban on yoga in state curriculum. In 1993, the state board of education banned the practice of yoga in order not to promote Hinduism. If you don't believe us, look it up.

For the past two years, some in the state legislature have been attempting to make yoga legal...with some restrictions. It didn't make it to a vote in 2020 due to the shortened session, but in 2019, District 5 representative Danny Crawford (read: ALFA shill) voted against the repeal of the ban.

Danny Crawford thinks yoga in public schools is dangerous for children, but he doesn't think companion animals exposed to sub-freezing temperatures is at all harmful. Think about that long and hard.

Limestone's Proudest ALFA Supporter

The legislature may actually repeal the yoga ban this year, but rest assured that austere and respected body is still keeping children safe from the temptation to convert to Hinduism. The bill prohibits the word "Namaste" in public schools.

Not sure what namaste means? For starters, it doesn't mean "Death to Christianity in Alabama." Namaste is a Sanskrit word meaning "I bow to you" and is used as a greeting in India and other countries. We've even used it a time or two in this blog; so far none of our bloggers has shown any desire to become a Hindu.

With state legislators like Danny Crawford, is it any wonder Alabama is dead last in almost every essential category?

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