Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Jimmy Oliver to Brian Murphy: Don't Bite the Hand...


Pigs flew over Florence city hall Tuesday afternoon when Councilman Jimmy Oliver interrupted council president Dick Jordan to make a statement concerning controversial Florence museum curator Brian W. Murphy. We're seriously thinking Florence needs Mr. Oliver as its next mayor if former mayor Steve Holt chooses not to run in the next election.

The council meeting was filled with controversy on several levels. Mayor Andy Betterton didn't show up. Oh, well, not too much of a loss there. The new historical commission was filled en masse with the former members of the now defunct historical board. According to insiders, Dick Jordan had promised individual votes on the nine member commission, but pulled a fast one at the last minute.

The vote to ratify the nine members prompted Mr. Oliver's remarks concerning the controversial Murphy, the bottom line being Oliver stated he paid Murphy a personal visit during which he told the historian not to bite the hand that feeds him. City employee Murphy has recently taken part in demonstrations against the city and county governments. He's pictured above impersonating a counter-protester in what's been called performance art. Murphy's impersonation didn't go over well with the opposing demonstrator, a citizen of Florence no matter what you may think of his politics.

We're not sure if one can put the fear of the Lord into an atheist, but perhaps Mr. Oliver's admonition to Murphy will find fertile ground nonetheless. Florence needs unity, not divisiveness.

To Mr. Oliver, we say thank you for standing up to Council President Jordan and for all citizens of Florence! 

"Professor" Sam Does His Song & Dance


  1. Brian Murphy is a citizen of Florence as well as an employee, he did not lost his 1st amendment rights when he signed his employment contract......the protestors who are opposed to the monument to a general who fought against the United States of America in a war of insurrection remaining on public property at the Lauderdale County courthouse and maintained at tax payer expense are citizens of Florence (well many of us anyway) For a councilmen in one district to interject himself into a situation purely for publicity and to create division only show the true motive of this person to be in public service...his desire to create division and fan the flames of racism and hate in the city of Florence.....and to provide copy for inflammatory blogs such as this one. Mission accomplished at the detriment to the reputation of the citizens of Florence.

    1. The monument, no matter what you may think of it, is not to some lone general, but to all who served. We've stated many times that we favor it being moved to a more fitting location, but abhor pols like Betterton who make meaningless promises to gullible citizens.

    2. To the avenger: BRAVO SIERRA. Public Service employees are expected to conduct themselves in a 'respectable manner' at all times.
