Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Candidate Andy Betterton v. Mayor Andy Betterton


"I Swear on my Bow Tie to Tell the Truth, so Help Me Richard Nixon"

Candidate Andy Betterton: "The growing daily division has become a powder keg that endangers the citizens of Florence. Both our sister cities, Birmingham and Mobile, have taken action and we should, too."

Mayor Andy Betterton: "...although I agree the law needs to be changed to allow for relocation, I will not be arrested for breaking it."

How many voted for Handy Dandy Andy because they thought he would move the Confederate monument? Exact answer unknown, but we're sure quite a few.

How many votes did Andy win by? Ten. That's right - only ten.

Is it too much of a leap to surmise that Andy, who was famous for doing nothing while on the city council, won his present position as mayor solely due to his perceived stance on the monument? 

This seems like a good time to announce Shoalanda's plans to run for mayor. She promises to sell the SportsPlex and split the proceeds with every citizen of Florence over the age of 21. How's that sound? Hey, you believed Andy, didn't you?

1 comment:

  1. Just which side of the bed is this gossip mongering rag on LYING on these days???? WAIT, I KNOW! Whichever side causes the most division and keeps those "clicks" comings......"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

    Abraham Lincoln
