Wednesday, April 21, 2021

What DID Happen at Florence High School?


If you haven't been keeping up, there's such a thing as "Rape Day." The first mention of this hideous phenomenon was in 2011, but since 2019 the day (April 24th) has been gathering steam. Joke? Actual news for those with an IQ of 12 or under? We have no idea. It's just another sad commentary on the state of our nation.

Parents began to contact us this week about an alleged incident at Florence High. What actually happened? No one in authority is talking. These are the rumors:

* All boys were called to a central meeting...or not.

* Only 10th grade boys were called to a central meeting...or not.

* Cell phones were examined for a supposed list of proposed victims...or not.

* (According to parents) Officials have refused to answer questions about this event/non-event. This seems to be the only constant in the story.

We're not even sure which is worse - a lack of transparency from the school system or the fact that these young idiot males think the whole thing is humorous.

One takeaway: No matter who you are or who your son is, have a talk with him, not only about manners and morals, but how some things (rape and racism come to mind) have no place in our school system or anywhere else.

1 comment:

  1. Teach your children the meaning of the word "jailbait" and that "no" means stop immediately!
