Thursday, April 29, 2021

Richard Herston Has His Knickers in a Twist


We've heard Rogersville mayor Richard Herston called some choice names in the past, but none that we could ever publish...until now. Businessman Steve Modas is calling Herston childish for returning a $2,500.00 donation.

If you came in late, several months ago Mr. Modas made the donation to the Rogersville Police Department. Then earlier this month, a wanted man who had been banned from Modas' liquor store caused a ruckus at the shop. When a Rogersville officer arrived, he was arrogant and refused to arrest the felon. Modas was not happy and made his dissatisfaction with the police known on Facebook.

Now, Big Steve has received his donation back. Childish? In our opinion, yes. Herston is not known for his intelligence or political acumen. Again he's proving the point by hurting his own police force.

Hey, Rogersville, need a new mayor? Florence will send you theirs for free...


  1. Let's see......a disgraced football coach as a senator, a hot head insurrectionist as a congressman and a total rightwing nut job as a get what you elect from the Repulsivecon party in Alabama

  2. And you have Sleepy Joe, the poster boy for labotimies. Feel better?

    1. And I bet "Sleepy Joe" can SPELL the plural form of LABOTOMY nice to have a SANE, ARTICULATE, SERIOUS president! "Like shooting fish in a barrel" when it comes to showing the lack of intelligence of a Retrumplican!

  3. Yes, because both men showed up and gave one red cent about Rogersville. I loved my country b4 trump and still love it with Biden. Both men are simply that, men. Tbh, really they’re just scapegoats for what congress passes Except Executive Orders that’s all them. I think the country is in a horrible position. But instead of name calling perhaps we should be trying to I don’t know Fix the Problems. However that has nothing to do with the above problem. Maybe the real question should be, “Who will run against mayor Herston?” Unless they’re a total whack job, they’ll probably get my vote. It makes Rogersville look rotten to the core when the very core of our city government is so ridiculously compromised and corrupt. There like 10 cop vehicles but never more than two on duty. I’ve waited 2 hours with a stranger at my door before calling 911 for the 3rd time to ask where the hell a cop was. Finally got a county out there, but hey just because we can spit on the city limit sign doesn’t mean it’s a city problem. Even if they do go up and down the road trying to catch speeders and “boaters”
