Tuesday, April 13, 2021

A Word about Two of Dick Jordan's Pals


We asked our friend Nigel if Rob Carnegie would be leaving Florence:

Oh, he will stay. Why should he leave??? He is now bringing in over $120,000 a year for a salary, has been given an SUV to drive anywhere he wants to go and all the gas he can burn is paid for from tourism money. Right now, he has driven that SUV on his vacation. Two years ago he got a $20,000 bonus on top of everything else. He leaves the office everyday (at least the days he comes in to work) for two hours to go to the gym to workout. He drives that SUV to Nashville every weekend to try to get someone to listen to him sing. He is all set. All he has to do is exactly what Dick Jordan dictates through his minions that he has hand picked for the tourism board. Dick wants tourism dissolved so the city of Florence can take over and his wife can then be in charge of it all.

In the last general election, we called a candidate out for referring to himself as a UNA professor on his resume'. Apparently there are others who think no one will notice that little lie when they utter it.

What is a professor? From Oxford Languages Dictionary:

A teacher of the highest rank in a college or university.

Here's another definition from Google:

In the United States and Canada, the title of professor applies to most post-doctoral academics, so a larger percentage are thus designated. In these areas, professors are scholars with doctorate degrees (typically PhD degrees) or equivalent qualifications who teach in four-year colleges and universities.

Here's another little hint: There's no such thing as an "adjunct professor." When your description on your employer's website calls you an "adjunct instructor," it may just be that's what you are. When you call yourself a professor, it pretty much says either you're lying or you're too ill-educated to know what you actually are.


  1. You guys are done of the worst people in the Shoals. You do nothing positive for the community. You are liars and nothing but tabloid ghouls.

    1. Please point out one lie or error and we will correct it.

      As for this specific blog, Nigel (who wrote the first part) is one of the most honest people in the Shoals and works extremely hard to promote the Shoals...as in holding not one but two jobs in that area.

      Shoalanda herself wrote the second part and stands by both the Oxford dictionary and her opinion of a person lying about his position.

    2. And yet here you are participating in this 'ghoulish' blog. You might want to check out the definition of 'bigot'.

    3. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Professional gaslighters.

    4. I'm surprised you let me comment here since you have me blocked from commenting on your ridiculous Facebook. Double standards and cowards.

    5. If Shoalanda BLOCKED you you must have REALLY stepped in it.

  2. My Nan used to say that if some people worked as hard at actually being somebody as they did at pretending to be someone, they could accomplish almost anything. I think that goes double for these two guys.
