Monday, April 19, 2021

Complaints Against Rogersville Police Officer


Sometimes things aren't always black and white, but one does expect a modicum of respect and compassion from local police. One Rogersville businessman has come forward with the story of receiving only contempt from a patrol officer earlier this week.

A man who had been banned from a package store owned by Steve Modas entered the premises and attacked the clerk, Modas's son. The young Mr. Modas received a concussion and was treated at a local hospital. The attacker was let go.

This type crime may need to go through a magistrate to be prosecuted, but Mr. Modas feels he was made a victim twice when the attacker was released and Officer Jason Sexton failed to file a report on store damages. 

According to Mr. Modas, neither Mayor Herston nor Police Chief Brian Hudson will speak with him about the incident. Modas has previously been a big supporter of local law enforcement and is pictured above presenting Herston with a check for $2,500.00. Now Modas has contacted an attorney and initiated the hashtag "FireSexton" on social media.

Over the years, we've certainly had copious reports of wrongdoing by Mayor Herston and others in the small Lauderdale County town that has often been accused of being a speed trap. Think the town is crooked? Tax dollars talk; shop elsewhere.


  1. LEOs should ALWAYS file a report of incidents involving property damage and assault. Failure to do so begs questions of competence regarding the responding officer. The victim is well within his rights to file a complaint with the Lauderdale County Sheriff's Office regarding the incident. Rogersville PD 'isn't the only game in town'.

  2. He’s the last person to be crying. Remember him attacking me snd my mother? You did a story on it. It’s just a case of Karma
