Thursday, January 28, 2021

Walkabout Jesus Needs to Take a Hike

Pictured is Daniel Wayne Rusk who has been "preaching" at UNA students for some time now. On the left is a shot of him at the memorial amphitheatre and on the right is a mugshot from a Madison County harassment charge. Nice example of a Christ-centered life, huh?

This person, who considers himself to be part of a group called "Walkabout Jesus," sponsored by Faith Baptist Church of LaGrange, Georgia, likes to shout names at various students - primarily women. He freely yells the word "whore" at whomever happens to be in his view at the moment.

Two things come to mind here. First, in a perfect world, everyone could just ignore him and he would eventually go away. Sadly, it's not a perfect world, and the powers that be are not even attempting to rope this guy in.

The second thing to consider is that this man could be dangerous to women if given the chance. Here's an image from one of the tee-shirts his ministry sells:

Since complaints have so far been basically ignored at the university, a student has started a petition. This method often isn't very effective; however, right now there seems to be very few options. Here's the link:

Keep this Maniac Away!



    Suck on this, you cunts!

    1. Pardon OnceFallen's language. Most child molesters and rapists have no self control and neither does Derek Logue - Failed foster child, failed husband, failed human being, and registered sex offender/predator.

  2. That Logue puffs himself up over his reliance on use of the "c word" speaks volumes of his misogynistic sex offending life. One would think he would keep a low profile being out on bail for eight counts of grand theft in Broward County, Florida.

  3. Thanks for advertising our shirts! Baby killers DO deserve coronavirus and hell, just like you, slanderer. Do you understand what libel is?? And that YOU are responsible, legally, for the lies you spread???

    1. What I understand is there has never been one mortal person since the Garden of Eden who is deserving of salvation. I also know that it isn't my place to decide or publicly proclaim the final destination of anyone. I believe I say with absolute certainty that if I wished to bring someone to Jesus, I wouldn't introduce Him by calling that person a whore or a baby killer.

  4. I mean god doesn't exist. Hell doesn't exist. When you're dead...that's it. So maybe instead of trying to dictate how others live their lives...maybe they can worry about living every day to the fullest. Try to be a good person and leave the earth better than when you got here. So many broken people all over a fairy story.
