Sunday, January 10, 2021

AG Marshall Says "Staff" to Blame


We trust you remember Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall - the one who opposes the legalization of medical marijuana in this state? He's afraid anyone who consumes it might turn violent and decide to loot the nation's Capitol. 

It's now come to light that an organization Marshall heads, Rule of Law Defense Fund, sent out robocalls stating: At 1 p.m., we will march to the Capitol building and call on Congress to stop the steal. When questioned about his role in the calls, Marshall denied any involvement and placed the onus on his "staff."

Marshall says he's investigating the matter. We're pretty sure there's a human somewhere behind that "staff." Perhaps Marshall might not have approved the calls, but did he approve this unknown person to run the show while he took credit for all the good things this organization may do (assuming it does any)? Reportedly, Pepsi, Microsoft, Comcast, etc., are just a wee bit upset over their donations funding a group that appears to support the insurrection at the Capital. 

However, if you're a Steve Marshall fan, rest assured he'll again land on his feet. He always does. Unfortunately, the murdered Capitol police officer will still be dead.


  1. When government will not do what needs to be done to answer the questions people have. Then it is time to storm the capital building's.
    Government officials are not leaders, they are representatives of the people.
    They have not done that in a long time. The Media needs to report truth and not spread hate, they need to help make sure questions are answered.
    If you can not see what is really being done, you need to step back,look,and listen to some of the media and the Democrats.

    I will also add, even though I'm a trump supporter and on the right. There can be people that go to far on either side of the issue,but. They are calling the protest in the summer peaceful, but the capital was a riot.
    Please shoalanda you are smarter then this, petty article.

  2. All i saw on jan 6 was a bunch of patriot's storm the capital in frustration of a illegitimate election. That was as american as apple pie. Our ancestors smiled down in that moment and smiled.

    To all the snakes who are condemning this to save face... if you have a soul.. it's time to do some meaningful soul searching..
