Friday, July 24, 2020

You May Lie, but You Can't Outrun 'Rona

From Leslie M. Shoals:

Chad, Chad, Chad:

Now why would you say "Holden said he doesn't know how or where he contracted the virus as he has followed CDC protocol with social distancing, frequent hand washing and other regulations"? Why did you lie to that Times Daily reporter, to the citizens of Muscle Shoals, and expose so many people to 'Rona?

In late June, you were not taking precautions, you were on a nice vacation at the taxpayers' expense.

While you've been lying around (literally) and acting like you're all innocent, why don't you produce the taxpayers' expense records for your big trip to a Superintendent's conference in Point Clear, Alabama (Baldwin County - where close to 2500 cases have been confirmed.)?

Yes, Chad, you have been naughty and already started your tax, spend and lie to cover up your activities in this new position as you have in the past. The bad thing is, if you were practicing precautions while you stayed at home (cause it was dangerous to go to work and be around your secretary), you thought it perfectly okay to go to a large gathering in Baldwin County at the beach in late June when the numbers were peaking?

There has to be at least 125 or 130 superintendents in the state of Alabama. If even half were as reckless as Chad Holden and attended that conference along with organizers and speakers, there were at least 70 or 80 people in attendance. Add their families that love free vacations in a tropical setting at a beach to that number and you have a lot of people in that fancy hotel and swimming pool/spa.

Gov. Ivey needs to know you and others are taking risks on the taxpayers' backs in regards to the health and safety of everyone while the citizens are yanked around with restrictions. I wonder if she or the state superintendent attended this party at the beach with all those superintendents and families?

The bottom line is this: Chad Holden should not have been allowed to travel in late June when there were travel and meeting restrictions, exposure and daily lectures on stay away from others outside your home.

The next level problem is, there are five school board members who determine what Holden can and can't do and they collectively could not find the wisdom between them to know the dangers while they sit at home drawing a check and have virtual meetings.

Going a little higher, the Muscle Shoals City Council appoints the school board members and refuses to listen to the citizens' concerns and complaints.

Finally to the next level. citizens are forced to go viral and public with their disdain and frustration with the lies, waste of taxpayers' money and the double standards.

We need a change in Muscle Shoals. I'm gonna venture to predict some of the candidates running for office in Muscle Shoals are in the race to continue the tax and spend, lies, double standard abuse of the children, citizens, and futures of this city. I will go so far as to say there are Muscle Shoals candidates for office who have been recruited by the school system to gain control because they feel threatened after that 82% vote AGAINST them on a huge property tax increase.

Willis Thompson (previous school board member), Ken Sockwell (taxing current city councilman) and Mike Lockhart (taxing city city councilman and candidate for mayor in M.S.) all openly supported and voted to FORCE CITIZENS TO PAY MORE PROPERTY TAXES and have refused to listen to citizens' complaints.

These three men have a record, a bad record, of abuse of office. They need to be sent home and quarantined for bad behavior - forget about 'Rona, these men have abused the system and should be run out of town on August 25th.

As far as all these last minute people jumping in the city council races, one only needs to look at their "resumes" and the similarity of their signs that look like football advertisements with the school colors.

Chad Holden and his sidekicks Basden and Davis want control of the city to see if they can screw it up as bad as they have the school system.

Lindsey Legacy Reign of Terror Part II begins.

The Hispanic man who wrote to you needs a civil rights lawyer to make believers of these jokers and expose them nationally with a federal lawsuit for the corruption in the school system and city.

VOTE AUGUST 25th - just don't vote for those people who want your money.

Bye Bye Thompson, Sockwell, Lockhart, and DAVID BRADFORD.


1 comment:

  1. I cannot imagine that any intelligent human being can have any respect for the opinion of someone who writes this poorly. It is strange that you speak of destroying a school system that has an impressive academic and athletic legacy and that consistently ranks in the top ten in the state.
