Sunday, July 12, 2020

Cherokee on the Skids Again

Pictured above is former Cherokee police chief Jason Williamson.

Pictured below is future Cherokee police chief Jason Williamson.

Are you confused yet? Just imagine how the citizens of a certain small Colbert County town feel. 

We will not comment here why Williamson left his job some time ago. If you need theories, they're all over Facebook. At the time Red left his happy police home, he was replaced by Billy Jefferson, pictured below.

Some of our readers say Chief Jefferson simply wanted to do his job by the book. Imagine that!

Enter Mayor Terry Cosby, pictured below.

Apparently, the good mayor doesn't like legalism...or Chief Jefferson. He's taken it upon himself to replace the chief with Williamson. It may have been an easy choice since the town's official website still lists Red as the occupant of that office. Nothing like being right on top of it, is there?

So anyone out there looking for some free entertainment Tuesday night should hie himself to Cherokee. The special called meeting of the town council should have more pyrotechnics than the town's fireworks show from last week.


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