Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Child Molester Says Shoalanda Burned Down His Home

If you're new to our blog, you may not be familiar with Derek Warren Logue, currently residing in Nebraska and also currently under indictment in Florida on charges of First Degree Theft. Some years ago, Logue was convicted of the First Degree Sexual Abuse of an 11 year-old girl in Franklin County. Upon his release from the Alabama prison system, he became an advocate for convicted sex offenders.

Since our first blog on Logue many years ago, the social justice warrior has not exactly been a fan of our publication. Earlier this week, a reader made us aware of the following post to another local publication:

You're right about one thing -- the fire IS suspicious. Shoalanda Speaks and her cohort going by the alias Larry Lynch made death threats against Derek Logue. One such threat was made just before the fire. Police should question Shoalanda about her role in the fire. By the way, this case will be dismissed because there is clear evidence of mistaken identity, but you losers won't bother publishing the fact there was a willful mistakeon the part of law enforcement.

If you're wondering who Larry Lynch is, it's the pen name of the gentleman who writes the blog on sex offenders found in our left side bar. We've never met Mr. Lynch, much less joined him in making any death threats against our friendly former Sheffield child molester, nor have we ever been to Ohio where Logue was living when his ramshackle apartment building burned down. 

Still, it's nice to know that Derek thinks of us, along with Rep. Andrew Sorrell, political activist Edward Bowman, and several Shoals officials, so fondly. What higher praise could anyone desire?


  1. Derek is obsessed with me and my blog. He's fun to needle because when it comes to the supposed anti-registry "movement," Derek is the top dog. His acting out with threats of violence and lawsuits is always good for laughs. He's like a rooster, always up there on the barn roof crowing about imagined vigilantes and his difficult life because he chose to molest a child. Derek made his bed, now he has to sleep in it. Hope he contacts a psychiatrist and gets on some anti-depression meds. By the way Derek (We know you're reading this), why hasn't Sex Offender News been nominated for one of your Shiitake Awards? We would be proud to display that in our office lobby!

  2. Sounds to me like you're confessing, Trollanda.

    My question to you is will you bother to publish an apology when Broward County is forced to drop the charges after arresting the wrong person? You won't have the guts to admit you are wrong. Your obsession with me would be laughable if you weren't suspected of arson.

    Since you're a compulsive liar, I just can't take your denial at face value. How about you and Sucky Larry prove you two were not involved. The fire started from outside the building. You and Sucky Larry made both made threats against me, and I have plenty of screenshot evidence of that. Your idiot friend Sucky Larry (pretending to be Larry Lynch of Elijay GA but the IP address seems to be coming out of Northwest AL) is going to be your downfall.

    By the way, you're not the first person who thinks she's "untouchable" who got taken down in court. You might be able to wash the gasoline off your body but you can't hide the guilt. I'm sure Cincinnati PD would be interested in what you and Sucky Larry have to say. Maybe the Ohio AG's office too.

    Don't forget to write your recidivist friend Clay Keys. Let's not forget your blatant hypocrisy of working with an actual recidivist. LOL
