Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Two Sides, Two Crimes, One Sick Florence/Lauderdale Public

Until now, we've supported Project Say Something's stance that the CSA monument should be moved to a more appropriate place. Until now, Project Say Something has not indulged in vandalism. That changed on Monday afternoon.

From Sheffield High's dress code to Rogersville's speed limit to Doc's Gym closure, we've always supported obeying the laws/rules. Yes, that's legalism, and we're a legalist. 

It just gets worse; we're told a Florence city employee indulged in this vandalism, a person with whom we had discussed the monument problem. We're totally gobsmacked that he would have been involved. If he was, then he should lose his job. 

Apparently, Florence police had to shut down the demonstration after the vandalism began. Perhaps we should just be happy that no one was hurt. At least no one has been hurt yet.

It gets still worse. We said there were two sides and two crimes. Is everyone familiar with what Mrs. Camille Bennett, head of Project Say Something, looks like? If photographs are accurate, PeeWee Herman could take her in a fair fight. Yet one Lauderdale County citizen has threatened to break her jaw.

Ready for it to get still worse? Lanier Holcombe is allegedly some kind of youth minister. Or he was. We doubt that it's a paid position, but no matter what it is, he should lose his job also. 

Can anyone reading this visualize Jesus saying anything like this? Over what? A piece of generic statuary that seems to have a more sinister backstory than most of us ever realized. 

Pray for Lauderdale County...


  1. This post is a bit misleading.

    First: the "vandalism" was done with sidewalk chalk. Was writing on the statue with chalk misguided? Perhaps - but if so, it's a mistake that can be washed away with no more than a garden hose.

    Second: you failed to mention that during the protest on Monday night, one of the Counter-Protesters (from the "Save the Monument" group) spit on a Protester, and then slapped another one. Both of these events happened in front of multiple deputies from the Sheriff's department. They escorted the aggressor to her car, but did not detain her.

    If you're going to write an article as incensing as this one, please ensure that you are doing so with all of the facts. There's enough misleading information all over the place, without adding to it.

    1. You might want to check the conjugation of the verb "spit."

    2. You only replied with a grammatical correction. So you really don’t care? You’d rather rely on sensationalizing and exaggerating what actually happened. It’s obvious where you stand. Grow up.

    3. Your only reply to a logical comment that politely corrected you, was a grammatical correction. It is quite obvious where you stand. Those with your mindset would rather sensationalize and exaggerate events in order to garner the reactions you seek. You’re immature and a manipulator.

    4. Great. You can't read either. I comment here sometimes, but I don't write for this blog.

  2. Defacing this monument is against the law.....so is jaywalking, bank robbery and murder. On the scale of seriousness of crime...where do these scribbles on a piece of granite fall? To listen to the news outlets, ahead of mass murder. This action WAS wrong, but it was wrong and stupid. Now the other crimes I mentioned can fall into that category, but this example is actually hurting the movement. The first rule of protesting is visibility. Perception is everything.....One thing worth mentioning is this group, Project Say Something, is primarily made up of young people. "Kids" really. Who do stupid things (is this the first time graffiti has been seen in downtown Florence?) The problem I see with leadership in this group is they need to make sure that these "kids" who are protesting (even if of legal age but with a juvenile mentality) know this type of behavior is unacceptable......and against the law.....BUT nobody was murdered,just sensationalized in the news media....."More coverage @ 6&10)

  3. You didn’t include anything about the counter protestors assaulting protestors.

  4. The physical assaults and threatening behavior of the 5 brave racists is much more egregious than the base of the monument having to endure being written upon with chalk.
    Or is it? Isn’t this just as bad as when those criminals, “The Gays”, used chalk to deface the beautiful crosswalk for the parade celebrating love and equality? Much pearl clutching.
    That wretched lady who showed no restraint, and the short, flag shirt wearing “counter-protestor” who was threatening to spray women in the face with mace (with his finger on the nozzle) need to calm down. Racism is an ugly color and isn’t something in which to place pride.
