Monday, July 27, 2020

Calls for ALFA Advocate Will Dismukes' Resignation

Wherever Will Dismukes goes, controversy follows. The erstwhile ALFA employee is again in the news after announcing his attendance at a birthday party honoring the founder of the Ku Klux Klan. 

Dismukes serves the Prattville/Montgomery area in the state legislature and has been chastised by Democratic lawmakers in the past for his activities. Dismukes, whose wife continues to work for ALFA has also been widely criticized for supporting an entity totally opposed to animal welfare in this state.

No matter what anyone may think of Dismukes' membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans, attending an event honoring Nathan Bedford Forrest on the day civil rights activist John Lewis was being mourned in the same city is totally tasteless and smacks of overt racism. ALFA and the Klan - two hate-filled organizations that Alabama is better off leaving behind.

1 comment:

  1. Before lambblasting Forrest, it would behoove the writer to do a bit of research into the 'reason' for Forrest's actions.
