Thursday, February 29, 2024

"Send Them Both Home!"


From a Muscle Shoals reader:

It's apparent that the employees of the City of Muscle Shoals are not valued by Mayor Lockhard and City Clerk Mrs. Walter’s as they continually cut their benefits and hours from what they were promised.

The underlying question is: Why? Is it about paying for the luxury vehicles they buy for themselves with our taxes, or the redecorating of city hall, or the new landscape, and certainly not the little ice rink and porta-potties? One has to ask what is their motive?

We have seen increased taxes and fees for businesses, and citizens and employees have had their work schedules cut resulting in poorly maintained grounds and facilities.

What drives the hierarchy of Lockhard and Walters? Are there financial issues they are hiding? How deep and wide is their abuse of our finances?

One thing you can’t hide is our public servants, the firemen, policemen, street and sanitation department employees. They are the ones that are tirelessly working to keep us safe. While they work morning, afternoon, night, weekends, and holidays away from their families, Mayor Lockhard and City Clerk Walters are enjoying their evenings, weekends and holidays with their families. Driving their families around at our expense in luxury vehicles. Imagine not being with your children on Christmas morning, Christmas Eve, birthdays, and other important milestones and events in their lives like our public servants often are.

Lockhard and Walters are a curse to the future of our once great city. Our employees deserve better. Our citizens deserve better. Our children deserve better.

We need a change!!! Vote 2025. Send them both home.


Besides being Leap Day, February 29th is also called "Bachelors' Day." On this day, single women can ask single men to marry them. It's an old Irish tradition not to be confused with Sadie Hawkins Day, November 13th.

So, girls, what are you waiting for?!!!

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