Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Making a Fool of Preston Roberts & ALFA


Preston Roberts is an ALFA shill. Specifically, the extremely discombobulated Roberts is in charge of ALFA's strange desires concerning state legislation. That means he's always agin it whatever it may be.

ALFA has always opposed any pro-animal bills. For as we all know, if a bill passed requiring a dog owner to provide a dog house, that would automatically mean any farmer owning livestock would need to provide individual houses for each animal. Are you confused yet?

Now ALFA is opposing the current gambling legislation. Why? Well, it's just un-Alabamian to purchase a lottery ticket. It's almost as bad as giving man's best friend its own roof. 

So Preston Roberts pranced up to the microphone and told the Economic Development Committee a thing or two yesterday. Then Rep. Andy Whitt of Harvest told good ol' Preston a thing or three. 

Preston Robberbarron

If any are not aware, ALFA bigwigs take a trip each year. Guess where they went last year? If you guessed Sin City, you're a smart cookie...or a strong observer of human nature.

After dear ol' drooling Preston finished his monosyllabic remarks, Rep. Whitt called him back to the podium. Whitt then asked if gambling became legal in Alabama, would Preston and his cronies take their annual company trip inside the state's boundaries. Laughter was heard throughout the room. Laughter directed at good ol' Preston who then mumbled under his breath that he was gonna tell his mama.

We commend Rep. Whitt, but we all need to remember that it doesn't take too much to make a fool of any ALFA shill in general and good ol' Preston in particular. We're still awaiting word from Preston's mama.


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