Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Is Tommy Our Junior Senator or Is It Yogi?


Our junior senator from Alabama has said it's time to wake up and smell the roses. Somehow we don't think this statement conveyed his actual thoughts on a Democratic takeover of the Senate. 

Will this takeover happen? It's possible after the events of last month. There's now several movements to have Uncle Clarence impeached. If you don't like that moniker, it was courtesy of "Huntsville's own Nick Fury." 

Even more recently the controversial jurist has been espousing the erroneous idea of dead fetal cells in COVID vaccines. Perhaps he wants to lose some of his following via a horrible death?


If you wish to complain about the current administration of the Colbert Shelter, we're told Tambra Howard has left that body. It would be interesting to know why.


Here's a wake up call for Napping Nancy. Lauderdale County has fallen in the state's income ratings, while its neighbor Limestone has risen to number three.

Or, in the words of an old Dr. Hook song, we're still seeing them same ol' sleazos that we used to see.


  1. Question: Can ANYone here tell us EXACTLY WHAT is in any of the COVID vaccines; or what ISN'T in them?

    Thus is EXACTLY WHY a Federal judge recently ORDERED such disclosure.

  2. Another Question: WHO can Prove that those who were NOT vaccinated are the MAJORITY of Covid Cases in Hospitals ? Are ANY of you catching on yet ??? You were duped.
