Monday, July 11, 2022

Interest Continues to Add up on Inspiration Landing Loans

The year 2022 is now half over, which means the City of Sheffield (read: taxpayers) have now paid six months interest on two USDA loans taken out to develop Inspiration Landing. There are other loans, but the USDA are the largest.

Loan I covers utilities for the project, while Loan II was used to build streets. Together, the loans total $2,748,000.00. The smaller loan is due to be paid off in 2052, while the larger will be paid off in 2062. Take time to prepare your children and grandchildren now.

Except for the utilities and streets paid for by Sheffield, the only new work to the super-project now standing is a fence around the music venue known as the Slag.  All other fixtures in place at the venue last August have been removed.

The brainchild of John Elkington does have some new advertising:

Photos of Inspiration Landing

That gives us a great idea:

Photo of Shoalanda Receiving Pulitzer Prize


  1. What became of the band(s) that performed the first (last?) concert at The Slag with regards to claims they weren't paid?
