Friday, July 22, 2022

Kay Ivey Plays Doctor Again


The Alabama Department of Public Health recently commented that it would like the use of masks to be normal behavior. The ADPH never mentioned any mandates or edicts, just normal as in it's normal to wear shoes outside. 

Kay Ivey then jumped in that she would never support mask laws. Did anyone ask her? If our politicians put as much effort into budgets, health, and education as they do into pandering to those with a substandard IQ, just think what kind of state we could have.

Speaking of Gov. Ivey, a reader recently commented to us: If Kay Ivey worried more about the price gouging of her constituents and less about making commercials claiming someone stole the 2020 election from Trump, maybe eggs wouldn’t be $5 a dozen right now.

On the bright side, it could be worse. Tim James could have won the Republican primary.

Alabama - Where at least one out of every 200 infants dies before they're one month old, but our legislature is worried that someone might say "Namaste" in our schools.


  1. I'm no fan of Ivey, but where, exactly, are all these videos of her discussing the 2020 coup?

  2. If you're one of those who still believe a piece of cloth across your face can save your life, then wear the silly thing. It helps the rest of us identify you as an Easy-to-Fool Sheep. Baaaa .... By the way, Trump has nothing to do with high grocery prices. If you believe he does, you're dumber than the Schlub wearing the Mask.
