Sunday, May 29, 2022

Want More Casey White? He Now Has a FB & Go Fund Me Page


In case you're having Casey White withdrawals, you may relax. There's a great deal more to come. Pictured is Casey's mother Connie L. Moore, aka Connie Thigpen, Connie McBride, and Connie White. With Connie is the son of Addison LaShae White, Casey's daughter.

Both Connie and Addison injected themselves into the spotlight big time this past week when they appeared at a press conference with Casey's new attorneys from Huntsville. Many have asked how the Whites are funding these big guns. Ask no more; they now have a Go-Fund-Me and Facebook page in Casey's name, ostensibly run by Addison.

You may also be asking how a Go Fund Me account is legal. The answer is it's not. Nice try, though. Earlier on Saturday, the account was still active, but it has been reported and has been taken down. For future reference, such accounts to raise bond money or legal fees are not allowed on Go Fund Me. 

One caveat: Have the Emetrol ready before you read the comments on the Facebook page. It's cluttered with posts from women who punctuate their theories with hearts. Our favorite is that Casey didn't escape - he was simply escorted out for a little R&R...


  1. Got to give it to the family of Casey White; they hired some of the best defense attorneys in Alabama. Chris Connely's office is no match for these lawyers. And come on Shoalanda, you are actually questioning how they will be paid? Although Casey cannot personally benefit from proceeds of the crime (IF convicted) the FAMILY certainly can AND there will need to be lawyers to handle the many contracts with media companies and promotion from future television and movie appearances. There is an olympic size swimming pool of money waiting to be dived into by the McDaniel and Co. legal dream team. They certainly won't need a paltry "go fund me" for their fees. And prisoners, especially famous prisoners, having FB pages is nothing new. This just narrates the entertainment of the "big show" The circus put up the tents and the media lined up for the escape and capture. This was top notch drama/comedy complete with the character of Boss Hogg, the bumbling county sheriff, being played in real life by Rick Singleton and his "press conferences" performances. The second act of lion tamers and high wire acts are in the wings waiting to come into the ring with the trial! Get your tickets now and enjoy the show!

  2. The GoFundMe page was taken down for violating its rules.
