Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Carnival Chaos: Video & Eye Witness Accounts


A carnival came to Florence in early April. There were problems - we don't know any details, but after that it seems many in Colbert County were leery of the James Gang carnival from Andalusia. Press made assurances that this would be family oriented, with absolutely no problems. Best laid plans, and all that.

Things went well until Saturday night. Several have reported smaller fights over the entire evening. Then at 9:00 p.m., two rival groups really got down to business. You can view some stills from a video here thanks to a concerned citizen who could get no answers to her questions. We understand the video was even posted to the Muscle Shoals Police Facebook page and promptly deleted by the MSPD. Anyone need to borrow a copy of 1984

Many comments mentioned hearing four gunshots. Others said a Taser was used four times and made a loud pop each time. We also have reports of schools involved, but decided not to mention since all are juveniles.

Two interesting comments -  Two young "ladies" from Leighton cursed us for even mentioning the disturbance and one man accused us of lying about the entire event. Needless to say, these three are not considered desirable readers. (Our original post stated unconfirmed and we amended our firearm shooting description as soon as more information came in.) The young man in green did require some medical attention, but was released to police.

A few de classe readers called the fight reports clickbait to earn money from Facebook. In case any are not familiar with FB, posters receive no money from individual clicks be it one or ten thousand. That also goes for Blogspot. 

Many have also pointed out that they no longer feel safe at fairs, carnivals, etc. It's sad, but we agree with them. Between untrained ride personnel and thugs in general, we advise taking the kids to Chuck E. Cheese instead.

1 comment:

  1. What do you expect? Thugs will always act like thugs.
