Saturday, October 31, 2020

Where Were Andy Betterton & Blake Edwards Friday Afternoon?


Why Won't Andy & Blake Help Me?

With quarantine protocols still in effect, it wasn't simple for area children to Trick-or-Treat this year. Neither is it simple to merely drop by the animal shelter to adopt a dog or cat. On Friday afternoon, Florence-Lauderdale Animal Services held a major event that helped remedy both situations - the drive-by pet parade.

One would think that the mayor elect and the District 5 council representative would have at least put in an appearance. Those who have contacted us have said neither one was there. No Handy Dandy Andy Betterton or Blake Edwards (the shelter is located in District 5). The event wasn't over until 6:00 p.m., so work shouldn't have been an excuse.

No, simply not caring about the shelter is the true reason that some didn't bother to attend. How sad. Now don't act surprised when Handy Dandy Andy tells the city that he's cutting funds to the shelter - especially if you voted for him.

No Like Harold, Want Steve Back!

Friday, October 30, 2020

Why Does Scott Basden Still Have a Job?


Next to Supt. Chad O.G. Holden, Muscle Shoals Coach Scott Basden is the most controversial figure in his school system. A reader writes:

So, the way I read the sports round up - Basden fell short to Sparkman on Friday October 30th which means NO playoff run for MSCS this year. Some 10 years ago Basden said numerous times if MS didn't have a state championship in 5 years he would leave.

Happy Halloween - at least for some of us.

How about it, Coach Basden? Any comments?

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Doug Jones and a Catholic Supreme Court


Various census records show that the United States is 22% Catholic. How about the Supreme Court? It's now 67% Catholic. In other words, the court has a ratio three times as great as the entire country. Why? Many suggest that Republican presidents have intentionally nominated Catholics in order to overturn Roe v. Wade.

It's also been suggested that many, including Doug Jones, have been worried about this trend. No, it's not because of the induced abortion controversy, but due to questions about the judges' allegiance to a foreign power - the Vatican. 

If one examines Sen. Jones' votes on various issues, the bills he has introduced, and his influence on moving Alabama forward, the picture of our junior senator is very positive. This blog is not making an endorsement in the senatorial race. We're pretty sure J. Redmon, Leslie M. Shoals, and Sheffield Shelly will be voting for Tommy. Shoalanda herself will cast her vote for Doug.

We're merely asking that you look at facts in this race, not false and illogical Facebook memes. You'll be doing our state and yourself a favor.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Alabama Supreme Court Rules Against Ryan Magers


Remember Ryan Magers? At the age of 19, he sued a Huntsville abortion clinic for the death of a fetus. Now the Alabama Supreme Court has ruled against Magers in the latest blow to his quest to have the fetus declared a person.

Since he initiated his court case, what has Ryan done to prove himself a worthwhile person? From what we can tell, he's working as a freelance car detailer. We can't imagine why his unfortunate former girlfriend thought he wasn't father material.

And, ladies, if you don't think he's father material, why in the world are you even dating such a third rate excuse for a real man?

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Difference between a Restaurant and a University?


Let's see how this works: 

The manager of a local small time franchise makes a comment about rioters on Facebook, and enough people complain to the parent company that he's fired. Certain people rejoice. How nice of them. In case you're wondering, we here at Shoalanda don't want anyone shot over a demonstration, but we understand that people say things on Facebook without thinking and would never behave the way the meme implies.

A college employee singles out a downtown business and its owner and attempts to keep his customers away, but when local merchants and other citizens complain to the university, they receive no answers. We understand that a certain institution of higher learning is losing donations big time over this. Apparently that's all right since the college will simply ask the town it's located in to give even more to its upkeep.

The next time your hometown announces it will donate money to the local university, will you speak up?

Caution: Strong Language

Monday, October 26, 2020

Muscle Shoals Resident Calls Out Chad Holden


A Muscle Shoals reader has some highly critical words concerning city school superintendent Chad O.G. Holden:

It is disappointing to see that the superintendent of our beloved school system has commented #MAGA on a post that mocks Black Lives Matter. Given our current political climate, I am intrigued to see such a lack of leadership. Our schools and our city serve countless Black families and this is disgusting, to say the least.

Is the reader correct in his/her assessment? While the position of school superintendent isn't an elected office, it is one that serves all the citizens of the city. The high school where Holden served as principal until this spring recently came under fire for calling Deshler High School in Tuscumbia the ghetto. Now does not seem like the appropriate time to ridicule Black Lives Matter.

On November 1st, a new council will take office. Perhaps at that time, the new council members can have a serious discussion with the tactless super?

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Will Ricatoni's Now Sue Project Say Something?

October 23rd brought a new tactic from Project Say Something. A regular reader has sent us a quick take on the events:

The countdown to Halloween 2020 begins with the very special world premiere of Court Street Zone:

The above video depicts protesters in front of Ricatoni's chanting: No justice, no pasta! If you were about to enter the restaurant, would you not feel that this was a threat? That patrons would not be allowed to enter safely? According to the reader who sent us the video, the belligerent group is led by one of the officers of PSS; however, we here are not able to identify anyone in the darkness.

How much business did Ricatoni's lose that night? How much future business did the eatery lose? How should the owner handle this? Here's what one legal eagle wrote on his blog concerning a similar incident:

The effect of protests can range from a minor inconvenience to major disruption. The mere presence of protestors may deter customers from entering a store. Large scale protests are likely to involve significant police attendance. Members of the public might avoid the area generally. Staff may fear for their safety resulting in an increase in staff turnover and/or non-attendance. The behaviour of protestors is likely to cause a nuisance to neighbouring businesses and their actions might extend to contractors and suppliers. All of this could have a serious effect on the business which of course is the intention of the protestors.

Retailers might find therefore that in order to protect their business, brand, property, staff and customers the only option is to seek an injunction order including where prohibit and/or limit certain behaviour of the protestors to ensure the retailer can continue to operate its legitimate business without unlawful interference from protestors.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Danny Hendrix: Hiding the Fact that He's a Democrat?


If you're registered to vote in Lauderdale County, you recently received a mailer from our current revenue commissioner Danny Hendrix. Danny has served in this office over two decades - always as a Democrat. Yet the two-sided political ad card had no mention of party affiliation.

Is being a Democrat the automatic kiss of death in Shoals politics? It failed to stop the election of a new mayor in Florence last month. We personally blame political apathy for that unfortunate event. 

Our take on the upcoming election is that straight party voting will cost incumbents across the state. This will not be a bad thing in many cases, but that doesn't excuse lazy voters who fail to do their homework.

Shall we now wait for our legislature to do away with straight party voting? We predict that law will be enacted immediately after the state constitution is re-written. 

Friday, October 23, 2020

What Will Steve M., Danny, & Harold Do Now?


From a reader:

Now that the Madison County Commission has taken down the Confederate monument, what will AG Steve Marshall do? Will he really arrest the commissioners as he has threatened?

If he doesn't, what will Danny Pettus and the gang in Lauderdale do? They won't have much of a valid excuse not to let Florence have the statue now, will they? 

While on the subject of the commission have you noticed that Project Say Something hasn't gone after Danny yet? Maybe mayor elect Harold told them not to?

In fact, we see some PSS members still blaming Steve Holt. Now that they've got their boy Harold in office, what's the point?

Actually the new mayor won't be in office until November. I for one want both the popcorn and fireworks concession when that show premieres.


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Classes? No; Football? Yes


We've had readers contact us concerning recent local campus closures. Why have Colbert County schools been suspended, while football games remain on the calendar? From what we've read, the same is true for some schools in Lauderdale. 

Yes, this is the final decision of the superintendent. We're guessing it's mainly because school attendance on scheduled days is mandatory, while football is entirely voluntary. Also, some schools may be in contention for playoffs, and, as we all know, football is king in Alabama.

Always use common sense. COVID cases are rising again. A sports event isn't worth giving your life for.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Twelve Years of Publishing


We're celebrating our 12th anniversary! It's now officially been a dozen years of some slight political debate.

You're invited to stay with us for the next 12 years. Thanks to everyone!

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Human Trafficking or Sexual Attack?


There was a recent incident in Florence that one publication has referred to as possibly related to human trafficking. Usually that term applies to a kidnap where the victim is sold to another group operating in a large city or even outside the country. It's also recently been used in this area instead of the term "promoting prostitution."

Several have asked why this incident, and possibly a similar one, have not been widely publicized. We're guessing, first, that this was probably a simple attempt to abduct someone for personal purposes and not to sell in a larger scheme. Second, with very little to go on, the Florence police may feel there is no need to panic the general public.

A good rule to follow for any woman is never to walk alone after dark. We know that a few months ago a panhandler attacked a man on Court Street; a possible abduction is not that remote a possibility. Most self-defense alarms and sprays fit on a key chain. Now's a good time to visit Amazon to order one...or better yet, two.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Not Our Problem?


Late last week a teenage girl who lives in Franklin County was taken to a hospital in Colbert where she walked away. Thankfully, she was found after four days, but not without controversy.

The young woman's mother was you can imagine she would be. The disappearance came under the jurisdiction of Muscle Shoals Police, but in her desperation, the mother was also attempting to have the Franklin County Sheriff's Department help. How did that county respond?

If we are to believe the family's reports, instead of explaining there was little or nothing that Franklin could have done, a spokesperson replied "It's not our problem." That may have been technically true, but a few kind words of support never hurt any situation.

We know that this brusque refusal didn't come from the sheriff himself, but it would be beneficial if he could instruct his employees to think before they make such comments.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

A Visit to Sheffield Schools


Remember when Supt. Keith Davis extended SCS hours (allegedly because of reduced contact time) and failed to get board approval? Well...SCS has returned to normal, in-person, 5-day a week schooling, but....the extended hours haven't been changed back to normal.

Latest school improvement plan:

Saturday, October 17, 2020

ZAR on PSS & Ricatoni's


We have a new missive from Uncle ZAR. Please cover your keyboard before you get to the part about UNA professors...

Dear Ms. Shoalanda,

Conditions continue to be harsh up here on the ridge. I hope this letter finds you well.

I've been doing a lot better ever since I got sober. For some reason I thought my insides needed to be sanitized.

After I became a regular at the downtown protest my friends decided it was time to hold an intervention. I just thought it seemed like a good place to find a girlfriend. I promise you that I won't be going back after this past Saturday night.

I thought it was wonderful that the city finally took the right steps to officially record their desire to have the monument moved. At the beginning of the meeting I was told that action "means nothing to you." I thought to myself, well, if it means nothing to me why in the heck am I here.

So I marched myself right out of the cold and into my car. I did stop on the way home and got myself a sack of Krystal's.

I never really understood why the Italian Restaurant on Court Street was being protested anyway. I admit I am more of a Chef Boyardee from the gas station kind of guy these days, but back in the day I did frequent that establishment quite a bit for some serious wining and dining.

How did the man from the Channel 15 tv commercials become a comic book super villain in this story? I understand that if your desire is to be a superhero you have to have a foe. But seriously, who knows!?

Someone did tell me that if the monument gets moved soon after the November 3rd election they will still have time to enter the Cannes Film Festival. I told my niece they may just have to settle for the George Lindsey Film Festival next year.

She is afraid that tuition will be raised again at the end of this semester. Something about wanting to set-up a special fund for professors who need counseling after the election.

I am just so glad that I voted weeks ago. I really do think Jo Jorgensen will probably win. I always vote for any candidate who puts their nickname on the ballot. If they have a nickname someone has to like them.

By the time you receive this letter I will have already retreated into my bunker. I won't surface until around the middle of November, but don't worry I still plan on coming to Thanksgiving dinner.

Also, don't be too freaked out to hand out candy to the kiddos on Halloween this year. After all it is the one time of year that everyone wears a mask.

Your good bud,

Zachariah Appleton Remusall

Friday, October 16, 2020

Facebook Comments: Blog Page v. Personal Page


For several weeks, Facebook has been erratic when publishing posts to our blog's page. Most now have a generic icon, leaving readers to check the date or miss blogs altogether. For that reason, we've begun posting our blogs on our personal page also.

While one would think it should go without saying, it apparently doesn't: If you wish to post a highly critical remark, please do so on our blog's Facebook page and not our personal one. Comments will be deleted from our personal page and in some cases bring about a block/ban.

Our blog yesterday on Andy Betterton's inane response to bringing new businesses to the Florence Mall brought several critical comments. Yet, they were most interesting. Some who commented were not from Florence or the Shoals. What interest did they have in Florence's new mayor? Others were college students, while still others could be classified as living on the fringes of society.

What did this collection of posters have in common? Upon closer look, all proved to be members of Project Say Something, a group big on having a voice, but apparently only one that parrots its mantra. The next question is what interest did this group have in such vehement defense of the mayor elect when he's humorously criticized for his nonsensical answer to a very real problem?

Just what has Handy Dandy Andy promised this group?

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Handy Dandy Andy Goes to the Mall


We're not totally sure what Andy's half of this conversation is about, but here it is:

Now we're visualizing something like this in weeks to come...

Andy: Hi. I'm your new handy, dandy mayor Andy and I want some more stores in here.

Mall: You and us both, bub.

Andy: So when can we expect new tenants?

Mall: Just look out the window from time to time, When you see the flying pork, you'll know we have new tenants.

Andy: Maybe you don't understand. Just lower your rent.

Mall: Oh, sure. Got it. One thing, how do you expect us to pay the taxes and insurance and utilities when we do that?

Andy: Not my problem. I'm your mayor and I'm telling you to do it.

Mall: I tell you what, why don't we just lower the walls around here to parking lot level and sell the parking lot. Then we won't have to deal with you. How's that?

(Hey, we didn't vote for him; we have every right to laugh at him.)

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Why Amy Coney Barrett Isn't Qualified?


Consider this: Not once during the current Senate hearings has Amy Coney Barrett...

* Sneered

* Slammed her fist

* Shouted

* Tried to defend underage drinking

* Been accused of sexual assault

* Accused others of trying to ruin her life

According to those who defended Brett Kavanaugh, the above is very normal behavior in anyone undergoing tough questioning. That would mean Barrett isn't quite normal...

No matter what you may think of Barrett's odd religious past, you have to admit that she's acquitted herself well during these hearings. Good luck to her!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A Few Words About Columbus Day


We've just celebrated Columbus Day in the U.S. Or maybe not. To most of us who don't work for a state or federal agency, it's hardly a major holiday. If it were removed from the calendar, most wouldn't care.

The problem seems to be why some wish to do away with Columbus Day. Consider these ill advised arguments:

1. Columbus "discovered" the Bahamas, not America. The last time we checked, the Bahamas are in America. If we're narrowing it down to just the U.S., then aren't we the ones being just a little egocentric?

2. There were already indigenous people here when Columbus arrived. No to that argument also. There may have been people here, but they weren't indigenous; they, like the Europeans, were indigenous to the Euphrates/Tigris/Nile area. We all are.

3. Let's call Columbus' birthday "Indigenous Peoples' Day." Declaring a holiday celebrating your cause on the birthday of the enemy is an intelligent idea? You might want to reconsider that one just a bit...

Monday, October 12, 2020

Kudos to Mayor Steve Holt


In an election in which only approximately 30% of the adult population voted, Andy Betterton has defeated Mayor Steve Holt by 10 votes. It would be difficult to be much closer. Today we're saluting our mayor of four years who among his many successes:

1. Has a beautiful, intelligent, and accomplished wife.

2. Has successful and morally upright children and grandchildren.

3. Volunteered often to work at the city's animal shelter, actually performing manual labor when needed.

Thank you, Mayor Steve Holt!

Sunday, October 11, 2020

A Few Words to the $12.00 Flag Thief


Yes, you - Caro LIne. You certainly had some good excuses:

You were drunk. You really took that to heart, didn't you? Your latest post is for a brand of tequila.

It wasn't a U.S. flag. No, but it was symbolic of an important American institution.

It cost only $12.00. Maybe... The average seems to be around $25.00 and the median $35.00. No matter what it cost, the owner was out that much money. (BTW, Shoalanda can eat lunch twice on $12.00; it's not that insignificant.)

You hate the police. We don't even have words to respond to that, you being so morally superior. We just love how you call people "retards" on your Facebook page. 

You're leaving town soon anyway. All we can say to that is Thank God and Greyhound...

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Who Is This Knife Wielding Athlete?


The story goes like this: A girl instigated a fight with a young man, a man ostensibly in high school and a well-connected athlete. Instead of walking away, the young man pulled a knife from his pants and attacked the girl. Thankfully, someone intervened and no one was injured.

Now about this knife... Over the years, we've seen boys carry pen knives just because they thought they were supposed to. We've seen a young friend proudly display a flick knife as if that made him more of a man. Now look at the knife in these photos; who routinely carries a knife like that? Perhaps more importantly, are Florence police aware that these type altercations are happening in our city?

Friday, October 9, 2020

Holt, Betterton, & Murphy


This is a guest editorial sent to us by a Florence reader. We're going to add one thing: We once had a food reviewer who left our blogging group because we criticized something that UNA, her employer, had done. She felt that it wasn't proper. Remember, she didn't write blogs for Shoalanda, but for Quad-Cities Cuisine. Yet we have a City of Florence employee who doesn't mind criticizing those taxpayers who fund his salary. Interesting...

Does Mayor Holt and Councilman Betterton both agree that PSS speaks for every black person living in Florence?

(Controversial Monuments and Memorials: A Guide for Community Leaders
Project Say Something's Whose Monument Project
Not Tearing Down History But Building Up Hope)
written by: Brian Murphy and published on June 22, 2018


 Untitled-12 - Copy.jpg

In the closing paragraph of his essay, Brian Murphy speaks on behalf of African-Americans living in Florence when he says, "African Americans continue to assert that the present is not too much different from the past."

I proudly voted for Mr. Sam Pendleton in the last election. While I would never attempt to speak for him, I sincerely doubt that Mr. Pendleton believes that to be true.. I also highly doubt that Dr. Jimmy Shaw would say that the year 2020 in Florence, Alabama is "not too much different" than the 1960's or 1860's.

Brian Murphy goes on to say, "citizens of Florence continue to argue about the place of African Americans in the current era."

As a citizen of Florence I personally find that to be very insulting. I would like to know if Mayor Steve Holt agrees with Murphy? What about Andy Betterton? Does he agree with that statement?

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Lexington COVID Outbreak?


From a reader:

There is speculation that upwards of 40 seniors at Lexington High School have been quarantined, along with at least one teacher, after an event held for senior students at the home of the parents of a senior. A great number of these students also attend First Baptist Church Lexington, who has cancelled their Wednesday night youth programs for the month of October but have not yet cancelled (and claim they don't plan to) a youth hayride scheduled for this weekend at someone's home.

Also, one of the school nurse's entire family has the virus - her parents and some of her siblings and nieces and nephews. This nurse would have definitely had close exposure, yet has continued to be at school daily along with working the gate at the the football game last week.

In verifying the above information, we have determined that the First Baptist Church has cancelled a club call AWANA for four weeks. Also, the school has no activities listed as upcoming with the exception of a homecoming ceremony limited to seniors. 

If you choose not to take precautions for yourself, please consider taking them for your friends and family!

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Gasoline Prices in the Shoals?


9/30 - The Shoals' Gas Mafia made an early strike on consumers today in anticipation of the next round of Gov. Ivey's 'gas tax' by raising local gasoline's prices $0.14/gal.

10/07 - Gas prices rose 2 weeks ago ONLY IN THE SHOALS. The $0.14 increase WAS NOT seen in Decatur. Neither did local independent retailers raise their prices. Just the MAJOR retailers. Today, prices among MAJOR retailers JUMPED $0.10 overnight. Again.

School Wisdom? 

* WHY are schools and businesses passing out masks that are marked 'Made in China' and clearly state 'Not for Medical Use' on the packaging?

* WHY are students sitting and talking, UNmasked, 2-feet or less, from each other during lunch?

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Florence Goes Democratic - Time for Animal Welfare Advocates to Unite


As things stand now, the twice-married Democratic accountant with the radical fan base will be Florence's new mayor. How will law enforcement react? What will animal advocates do to prevent our shelter from again becoming a kill facility?

Rest assured there are several ways to thwart any attempt to reduce the city's animal services. We'll simply have to take each attack as it comes. There will be council members who will oppose Betterton. In four years a Republican or Independent will step up to do battle for those who can't defend themselves. Let's be ready to make sure he or she has our support.

Monday, October 5, 2020



Finding it difficult to keep up with code words? Last week we saw a Facebook posting that said black women who support Mayor Steve Holt are miseducated. Just today we saw a posting using the word clean; our first thought was free from graft and corruption. Yet someone who recently ran for local office tells us it means "whites only." Where do people get these ideas?

Our prediction: No matter who wins the Florence mayoral race, the wrath of some organizations will then turn to Danny Pettus. Wouldn't it be simpler to put all that time, energy, and money into lobbying the state legislature to repeal the ill-advised monument law?

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Democratic Party Thinks Florence is an Embarrassment?


We've heard individuals aver they've never been embarrassed by their country, state, county, etc.; however, most of us can't say that. If you live in Florence, you've probably been embarrassed less than those from other towns. Yet that's not what the Alabama Democratic Party is now saying:

While we may not agree with Mayor Holt on every controversial issue, we find him the best leader this city has had in decades. Check out his record on supporting local law enforcement and animals in need. You might also want to check out Andy Betterton on YouTube where some of his statements are not exactly grounded in reality.

So which candidate would make Florence an embarrassment to the state? Hint: It's not our current mayor.

Mark Your Ballot for Thomas Spence on Tuesday!


I’m Thomas Spence, candidate for Florence City Council District 5 in the run-off election this Tuesday. I’ve been a resident of Florence for 35 years and of District 5 for 22 years. I want to represent you, your needs and concerns. I want to hear what you have to say and be a strong advocate for the community. You’ve told me you want road improvements, removal of dilapidated structures, and you’ve voiced concerns over county and district lines. We all know that Fire Station 5 needs a new fire engine and ladder which is essential for our safety. I fully support our first responders. We need them for safe and secure neighborhoods. 

I want to represent our district with openness, communication, and integrity. I’ve heard from you, but I need your vote to start addressing these issues. I aim not only to hear about issues but actively pursue them. My professional experience as an essential worker on the front lines of the COVID crises has helped me to realize that we all need to be available to help each other stay safe, encourage each other, and engage as neighbors in our larger community. I’m Thomas Spence. An old friend, a new voice, you have a choice on Tuesday. Vote Thomas Spence in the run-off election for Florence City Council District 5.

Paid Political Ad by Thomas Spence, 430 Roxie Drive, Florence, Alabama 35633.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Meemaw, Beauregard, Hussein, Racist, Bad Food, Baby Killer, Pointy Haired...


The Internet if full of ad hominem attacks. For instance, have you ever...

1. Called an older woman Meemaw because you disagreed with something she said?

2. Used a politician's middle name because you thought he was too far right?

3. Used a politician's middle name because you thought he was too far left?

4. Called a person a racist because he didn't want to break the law?

5. Called a restaurateur a bad chef because he asked you to move along?

6. Called a politician a baby killer because of something in his party's platform?

7. Called a college president pointy haired because he tried to steal property from school children?

Oops, that number seven!!! It seems extremely familiar. Was it nice or even needed? No. We promise not to do it again. 

If you can't criticize a person for their actions, let's not criticize for their age, name, appearance, etc. We're pretty sure most of us have plenty of faults that can be mentioned without bringing up extraneous details. It's just not good form.